Chapter 7 - Seeing him in the morning

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I've been looking forward to night time for 3 weeks now.

Every night we meet up, bring food, drinks and blankets - we talk until sunrise and then go our seperate way, promising each other to meet up at the same spot again.

I'm walking towards our spot and already see him sitting there. I smile, and walk a bit faster "Hey." I say, he looks at me and smiles. It feels like he's prettier every time I see him again.

This night, we talked about silly things, none of us brought up sad, depressing things. Tonight, we both wanted to laugh. We emptied the whole bottle of Whiskey, which has never happened before. "I think I have to sleep on the beach tonight." I say, laughing. I couldnt stop laughing.

"Why?" He asked, laying down on the sand. I joined him, we were both looking at the stars. "I think I'm too drunk to drive." I answer, shifting my head a bit so that I am looking at him. He hasn't shaved today, it suits him though. "Just sleep at my house." he says, "It's a five minute walk from here." I start laughing, "No way." I hit him lightly, "I wish I had known earlier, I would have drank more the past few nights."

We talk and giggle til the sun is rising. "You have to be quiet, my mom and brother are sleeping." He says. It's hard to stay quiet, we opened another bottle of Vodka while we were at the beach and that one was half empty now. We were pissed. It's hard to be quiet when this drunk, everything is just funny.

The next morning I wake up, next to Pretty boy. I look at him, not really shocked. I remember him asking me, but I don't remember how we got here. I think he carried me at some point because I was too tired to walk.

He looks peaceful, his breathing is controlled and steady, his eyes are not moving so I don't think he's dreaming. I stare at him for a second, debating wether I should just leave or have an awkward morning with him. I mean, it would be awkward, right? We have been meeting up every night for three weeks now, I dont know his name and I've never seen him outside of the beach. If I stay, it might also be the start of a real friendship, I'd probably get to know his name .. thinking about it, it feels intimate knowing it. He told me his worst fears, his worst nightmares, it shouldn't be a big deal to find out his name.. but it was.

But laying here, with him in his bed felt right.

Pretty boy shuffles and slowly his eyes open, I turn my head as fast as I can so he doesn't know that I was staring at him.

"Oh, good morning." He says, sitting up and stretching. At this point I realise he isnt wearing a shirt and I cant help but look at his back muscles. "Are you hungry? I could pick up some muffins." He looks at me. I sit up "Would that be okay or is it like, against the rules of us only meeting up at the beach?" We both start laughing, "Nah, screw that. Atleast for today." He gets up and I try not to stare.

"You need a shirt or something? Being in that dress from last night doesn't seem to be a comfortable outfit for breakfast." I grin and nod, he throws me a shirt that reads 'Cousins Rowing'.

He told me to make myself at home, so I do.

I decide to look for the kitchen, putting out some plates for Pretty boy and I. Once I finished setting up the kitchen for Pretty boy and I, I decide that I want to see more of the house. I walk around some rooms and stop at the front door, looking at a painting that I feel like I have seen before. 

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