Chapter 3 - Not knowing him

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I wake up the next morning feeling an empty pit in my stomach which feels like someone reaching into my chest, grabing my heart, squeezing it and not letting go.

My head pulsates slightly, so I debate wether I should stand up and get some Ibuprofen or just keep sleeping.

I decide on taking a pain killer.

Standing in the kitchen, I remember more of last night. The pit in my stomach grows even more when I realise that I dont even know his name, I haven't asked for his number. It did not seem like something to do last night, we were just talking. Well, I was pouring my heart out to him and he was listening.

After a while I decide it's not worth being sad over not getting someones name when I just got broken up with.

My phone vibrates, >I brought the shit with me that you left at my dorm. Pick it up.< Ah, Jeremiah. How lovely he is.

>You could have just left it there, I could have picked it up after summer break.< I text back.

I don't want to see him, not today. He broke up with me yesterday. My eyes are puffy and still red, it could be from the weed but its most likely from crying myself to sleep.

>I don't want to be reminded of you once the new semester starts. Pick your shit up.<

I read his text and throw my phone on a pillow.

We both live in Cousins Beach and I have never been to his house once, but now that we have broken up I'm supposed to go. He could have just left it at the dorm, why bother taking all my stuff with him?

"Fucking asshole." I say while grabbing my phone, >When?<


Our conversation stings in my heart. I know he said he never saw us as anything serious, but to me it was. I remember the nights he told me he loved me, the nights he wouldn't let go of me. When he kissed my whole face just to hear me giggle, to make me smile. He can say whatever he wants, to me it was something, he was something. 

Mystery of Love - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now