Chapter 10 - missing her

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I'm making my way to the beach, not knowing how to feel.

It's all gotten so messy. It was supposed to be an easy friendship with someone I met during a hard time, and I'm sure he thought the same. His mother is dying, he does not need me to bring any more drama into his life.

I'm also not even sure if he's going to be at the beach. I haven't gone for a few days now, so why should he? Am I expecting him to be waiting for me?

He is Jeremiahs brother, they might be alike, they might be the same person. I dont know Conrad, he's a stranger. He could be a complete asshole.

I arrive at our spot, seeing him nowhere. What did I expect? For everything to go back to normal? If I had wanted everything to go back to normal I should have come the first night after finding out they're brothers.


I'm starting to feel crazy. Am I actually going to be walking to the beach after Juliet not coming for 3 nights?

I'm sitting back down on my bed, deciding I should no go tonight. She's probably not even gonna be there.

The worst part about all of this is, that I was starting to have a crush on her. Meeting her every night gave me hope and made me feel happiness that I havent felt in such a long time. Finding out she's my brothers ex hurt like someone stabbing me in my heart. I obviously did not expect her to date me, as I know she has just gotten out of a relationship. But I thought, after some time, we could maybe be more than friends.

I know that's what she thought too, I have noticed the way she was looking at me sometimes. Waking up beside her in my bed felt like the right thing, her wearing my shirt felt like the right thing. She felt like the right thing.

Even if we get back to being friends, I could never possibly date her now. Not after finding out Jeremiah actually still likes her.. oh my god, do I need to tell her that?

Screw it, I'm going to the beach. Even if she's not going to be there, I can atleast clear my head and get high.

I walk out of my room and notice that Jeremiahs door is open, so I approach it slowly. "Jere?" I say, "Are you there?" I knock on his door and it opens a bit more, he's laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He doesnt look at me. "I'm going to the beach, do you want to join me?" I hold up the joint I'm planning on smoking. I finally get his attention, "No, but thanks. I'd rather rot in bed."

I shake my head, "You know you got yourself into this situation, right?" I tell him, "She's met me at the beach because of you, she was crying because of you." Jere looks at me with hurt in his eyes, "I fucking know." he answers, "I know I fucked up the minute I broke up with her."

"Not when you cheated?" I ask, because I have to know why my little brother would cheat on someone.

"She told you?"

"Of course she did. She poured her heart out." I sigh, "I'm going to the beach, maybe we can hang out tomorrow."

I leave his room. I shouldnt be getting mad at Jeremiah for doing something to a girl I barely know, but I can't help it.

The thing is, I keep telling myself I barely know her but that's not true. She told me almost everything about her, atleast the most important things and she knows about my mom. We know each other and we made each other feel better.

I'm making my way to the beach, joint already lit.

When I reach the beach, I see her sitting at the there. It's no doubt it's here, I could tell her apart from anyone.

I approach her, "Juliet." I say, "I did not expect to meet you here tonight." 

Mystery of Love - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now