Chapter 2 - Telling him

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"I'm going to try and keep it short, you know, since you don't really want to hear a sob story from a stranger." I try to lighten the mood a bit, but he keeps looking at me with these understanding eyes, which makes me want to crawl into his lap and tell him every single thing that has ever hurt me.

"So," I start, waiting for him to break off the conversation, deciding that he actually does not want to listen to me. Jeremiah used to do that, he pretended to care and left halfway during the conversation or was on his phone, not listening to me.

The pretty stranger infront of me seems like he wants to hear me out.

"We met, I think two years ago? We found out we both live in Cousins Beach and became friends instantly. So we didn't start dating right away,

He was gorgeous, no question asked, but he kept hooking up with someone else every night, wich he was free to do obviously but it made me not trust him...

.. One night he just kissed me, and that was like the start to it all. We go to the same college, so we see each other quite often, the relationship felt pretty serious to me but I guess it didn't to him. I found out he cheated one me, twice." I stop talking for a minute, deciding wether I should cry or laugh.

I should have not trusted him after the first time, but he looked at me with his blue eyes and I forgave him instantly.

"He told me it was because I never slept with him." I look at the ocean, the confession being a bit too much for a stranger. I keep going, "He told me that after the first time he cheated, anyway. I forgave him, because it felt like it was my fault. Yesterday I found out he cheated again, so I talked to him. He told me it was never that serious, asked me if I'm stupid that I havent realised that. He laughed while saying that I'd have met his family and friends if we were serious, but to him it was just nice to have someone who was always there for him, forgiving him for everything and being his personal cheerleader." I start crying, but quickly wiping the tears away. "He gave me the same reasoning he did the first time. I guess for him it can only be serious when he sticks his dick into something." I play around with the sand, "So we talked yesterday, I forgave him.. again. But this morning I woke up to him texting me that it's over. He said he did not feel the need to talk to me in person since it wasn't a 'real relationship' to him."

Pretty boy just looks at me a for a while, I can't quite read his emotions. "What a fucking asshole." He finally says.

We both break out into laughter, which is probably caused by both of us being high.

The rest of the night I don't remember that well. I know we sat there for a while, him talking shit about my ex and me laughing. By the end of the night I felt much better.

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