Chapter 12 - Let's try the muffin thing again.

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"He still cheated on me. I can be sad about this breakup but still know that he wasn't good for me, to me. I should have realised when he cheated the first time." She said quietly. I can feel her eyes on me, but I can't bare to look at her. Realising I have a crush on her made this all so fucking hard.

"I dont care. I really dont fucking care that he still cares about me - because if he did, would he have cheated?" I look at her, "No.. he wouldnt have." I shake my head and look back at the ocean. I forgot. I screamed at him early for cheating on her, but seeing her here.. being next to her again. In a way I was hoping she would tell me she doesn't like Jere, she likes me. It's all I could think about.. 'Jere? No, I like you.'

I just want her to be happy. But Jere can't make her happy - not if he's cheating. I have to be honest about the way I'm feeling. "I forgot. Seeing you here tonight, I just wanted to tell you he still likes you.. making you smile, you know? Giving you some good news. I forgot everything else."

She starts laughing, "I think he was lying to you. If he liked me he would have done our whole relationship differently. I would have met you, your mom.. Everything would have been different. I dont care about him anymore." She throws some sand around, finally not staring at me. I quickly glance at her, the sky is too cloudy to see her beautiful face in the moon light. "I dont want to lose you, though. I want us to be friends."

Friends. Mhm. I wish that's all I felt for her, too. Having feelings for your brothers ex sucks, but its worse when they've only been broken up for a little less than a month.

I nod in response, telling her I want us to be friends would be a lie. But it's better than losing her. "He'll get over it" She said, "I mean, us hanging out, me being around him at your house.."

"He's not there that much anyway, he's usually hanging out at his friends house." I shrug my shoulders, still not knowing what I should feel. I dip the joint in water so it's not burning anymore, then bury my hands in the sand to play with it. I had to do something with my hands or else I would take her hands in mine and play with her fingers.

"Do you.. do you think you should tell him about your mom, soon? Like, if he's spending all his time away from the house I bet he barely sees her - he might regret not spending time with her when he finds out." She says quietly, not wanting to ruin an evening that's already on the brink of being shitty.

"No, no. You're right. I just think I should tell mom first? That I know? And then we can tell him together. He'd probably beat me up if I told him that I've known for so long." She starts laughing and quickly apologizes, "God. Im so sorry. I didn't mean to laugh. But Jere beating you up? You're really tall and look stronger than him." She touches my arm, gesturing how strong I am.

For some reason it made me feel better, makes it seem like she could see me as more than just a friend.

For a while we didn't say anything, it wasn't an awkward silence - we were just appreciating the others presence. She was leaning on me, her head on my shoulder. We were watching the sun rising but neither one of us seemed like we wanted to go home.

Even though we haven't seen each other for three days only we missed each other, so it was just nice to sit and enjoy the morning.

The air felt warmer around us, the birds were chirping. "Do you want go get breakfast?" I asked, breaking our silence. She started yawning and rubbing her eyes, "Did you fall asleep?" I ask softly, she just nods. My chest felt warm knowing she felt safe enough to sleep on my shoulder. It felt different than her falling asleep in my bed.

"Come on," I get up and she holds onto me, "How about we sleep some more and then finally get those muffins, hm?" She giggles quietly and nods. 

Mystery of Love - Conrad FisherWhere stories live. Discover now