Chapter 4 - Meeting him.. again

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I decide I want revenge.

I put on a nice pair of pants that hug my ass and a shirt that shows just enough.

I grab a duffle bag to put my stuff in and start driving to his house, after he was kind enough to finally send me his adress.

I pull into the driveway and I get a sting in my chest again. I've never seen where he lives outside of school, I've never met his friends or his family. He told me about them, sure. I know he adores his mother, that he idolises his brother Conrad.

He talks about Conrad the most, he looks up to him and wants to be just like him. Except he isn't doing anything to achieve it. Jeremiah tells me how hard Conrad studies, that he's going to be a doctor - Jeremiah just drinks every night and goes out.

The pink glasses start falling off, because I realise how insane it is that I never met them, that I have never even seen a picture of them. I should have known that he was never serious about me.

I get out of my car, walk up to the door and ring the bell.

Jeremiah opens the door, looking pissed that I actually showed up. "Stay here." He doesn't really look at me, "I'll grab your stuff."

He leaves me there for a second, and i glance inside the house, trying to find anything to learn more about him, to learn about a side of him he has never shown me.

The only picture I find is of him and, I'm guessing his brother when they were little. Their mom is hugging them tightly, smiling from ear to ear.

I look down, tears burning in my eyes. "Here, now fuck off." He puts the stuff infront of me and slamming the door shut.

After that encounter I decide on getting drunk tonight. I leave the stuff in my car, parking infront of a convenience store.

Once I have my drink I walk to the beach, same spot as yesterday. I sigh when I see its empty.

I think pretty boy would have liked some new information on my drama. Pretty boy has a way of cheering me up without saying much.

"There you are." I turn my head slightly, smiling as soon as I realise who is standing infront of me. "I was hoping you'd be here tonight." Pretty boy says.

He sits down beside me, I offer him the bottle of Whiskey I have in my hand - he grabs it and drinks a bit. He looks sad.

Now that I think about it, he looked sad yesterday, too. "Hey." I look at him, "What's bothering you?" I ask, I suddenly want to make him feel better, I want to see his pretty smile again, want to hear his laugh.

"Eh, you really wanna know?" He says, all I do is nod. He's intriguing. I want to now everything there is about him.

"My mom has cancer."


Hellooo! So, I have not written anything in years so this story might a be actual garbage! So I'd love to know your thoughts on it!! 

By the way, english is not my first language - so if I'm making any grammar errors please try to ignore them 😭 

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