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2:00 —

In class, Aeri couldn't focus on her study due to overthinking. "Could Doyoung be right? In the reality, I barely know Haruto" Aeri mumbles.

Haruto suddenly notices that Aeri looked alittle lost and not focusing, "Darling?" 

"huh?" said Aeri and got back to her sense. "Is everything alright?" Haruto asked.

"Yes! everything's alright" said Aeri

"Oh okay then, if there's anything wrong, you can tell me, okay?" Haruto looked at Aeri,

Haruto felt like something is abit off that Aeri wouldn't tell him about her issue, but he just let it go and thought she had her reason.

5:00 —

After School, Aeri wanted to take a day off from her shop, so she could attend the date night with Haruto

Haruto dropped Aeri off at her house.

"Aeri! See you at 8, love ya" and he drove away.

Aeri focring herself to smile at him because of Doyoung's words.

She got inside, went to her room and lay on her bed.

"Okay Aeri, Don't worry" She told herself, "Everythings gonna fine! plus Haruto is a good guy" 

She open her closet to pick out an outfit for herself, "I'm gonna have such a beautiful date night!!" she chuckles.

She went to take a shower, put on some make up, spray perfume, straighten her hair and put on a very long black dress with a pearl neckless.

She let her driver drive her to the location that Haruto dropped for her.

"Aeri, We're here" said the driver, "Have a lovely dinner!" 

Aeri politely smiles and thank the driver for giving her a ride.

She got inside the restaurant.

Suprisingly, Haruto wasn't there yet, So Aeri asked the waitress for a table of two.

The waitress shows her the way to the table and she sat down.

Haruto was kind of late.

Aeri calls him to make sure He's okay. 

Strangely enough, He didn't pick up her phone. 

Aeri decided to wait for a few minutes to wait for Haruto. 

For 30 minutes straight, Haruto didn't show up.

Aeri was very furious that Haruto invited her, but He didn't show up.

She told the waiter that she isn't going to order and apologize to them for just sitting.

She leaves the restaurant, to her surprise, Haruto just arrived.

Right in front of her when she was about to leave.

"I'm so sorry" said Haruto.

"Why are you so late?" Said Aeri furiously, "Don't you know how embarrassing it is to sit there alone and not ordering?

"I'll made up to you" Haruto takes Aeri's hand. "How does the movie sounds?"

Aeri didn't answer Haruto.

"C'mon Darlin', Don't act like this." Haruto frowned as He puts his both hands full grasp to Aeri's hands.

Aeri looked at Haruto and sigh, "Fineee."

Haruto puts his hand around her shoulder as they walk straight into Haruto's cars and went to the movie.

Haruto bought the tickets while Aeri excused herself to go to the toilet.

While on her way to the toilet, She bumped into Doyoung, aka the guy from her class who always whine about studying.

"What the-"

"Oh hi Aeri, didn't expect you to be here"

"Why are you everywhere? Like c'mon" Aeri hits his shoulder.

"Chill out, it's not like I'm stalking you" said Doyoung.

Then out of nowhere, Haruto shows up. "helloo" Haruto smiles, "didn't expect to see you here"

"I just wanna watch the Barbie"

And they all just stood there awkwardly.

Doyoung looked confused if he had says anything wrong, then He realized.

"What's wrong with barbie" Doyoung frowned.

"It's okay, let's all go watch Barbie together, shall we?" Said Aeri trying to save this moment from awkwardness.

"Alright if you say so," said Haruto and They all went inside the cinema.

"Guys-" Doyoung pretends to take out his phone "I think something urgent coming up." Said Doyoung sarcastically.

"C'mon, you don't wanna third wheel, do ya?" Aeri chuckles.

"Uhhh of course not!" And Doyoung ran away.

Aeri and Haruto shrugged in confusion and they both went inside the cinema (to watch barbie).

An hour to the movie, Aeri suddenly felt sleepy.

Unfortunately, You can't sleep during the movie. 

Haruto notice Aeri was yawning multiple times. He takes his hands and pull Aeri's head to lay on his shoulder.

Aeri couldn't help but smiles.

"Ruto!" Aeri whispers

"Yes?" Haruto replied in whispers.

"You stole something and you must be arrested" Aeri whispers.

Haruto looked shock and confused at the same time, "What- what did I steal?" He whispers back.

"You stole my heart." said Aeri out loud by accident which makes everyone in the cinema hall shush her and some even cringed at her.

Haruto chuckles quietly, "That's a good one".

The date night ends, Haruto dropped Aeri off with a goodbye kiss on her forehead which was as divine as heaven.

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