75 11 2

9:00 — March 17, 2023

"Okay class! Settle down!" Said Ms. Lee.

Everyone pays attentions to her, except Doyoung. He was sleeping.

Ms. Lee didn't continue her speech so everyone was alittle confused, so everyone turned to Doyoung.

"Hey, Doyoung!" Yujin whispers, "wake up"

Doyoung didn't wake up and suddenly Yujin has her way.

She tries poking his tummy because it's the only way.

Doyoung suddenly woke up out of nowhere, "the capital of France is Paris."

Everyone suddenly stared at him confusingly.

Ms. Lee chuckles, "Doyoung, that's correct, but it isn't geography today."

"What-" said Doyoung without knowing what on earth is going on.

"Alright nevermind-" said Ms. Lee, "As I was saying, We're gonna have a camping trip next week!"

"And here are some rules."

"First, Do not go anywhere far without supervision. Second, Bring your things if necessary, and Lastly, Pick a partner!" Said Ms. Lee, "I will assign everyone later by writing everyone names on this board" Ms. Lee pointed to a blank white board.

"I hope I get someone who's not dumb" Aeri whsipers,

"I might die if I get partner with someone who don't know basic survival." Yujin replied.

"For realll" Aeri whispered back.

After the lesson and everything, Ms. Lee decides to announce the partner for this camping trip.

"Haruto, and..." said Ms. Lee

"Please be me, Please be me" Aeri mumbles under her desk hoping she would get Haruto.

"And Doyoung!"

"Ah whyy" Aeri bites her lips hopelessly.

"Next partner is Aeri and..."

"Please atleast be Yujin.." Aeri mumbles while her hands are praying.

"And Hyejin!" said Ms. Lee

"Hyejin?? well she doesn't seem that bad" Aeri mumbles and sigh after, 

Haruto with Doyoung, Aeri with Hyejin, Asahi with Yoshi, and Yujin with another girl
After Ms. Lee called the rest of the class, everyone is dismissed and went out of the classroom.

"Aeriiii" said Hyejin approaching her with a smiley face, "Can I get your insta?"

"Wait- why-" Aeri questioned but on another hand she can't find the problem with giving out her insta, "sure! just don't spam like on my post heh"

"Don't worry I will just like a few then" said Hyejin while her hand searching for Aeri's username, 

"I'll just text you about the supplies for the camping trip! we're partners remember?" Hyejin shows her phone to Aeri and clicks follow.

"Don't forget to follow me back girl! see you later" Hyejin smiles at Aeri and she walks off to somewhere.

"Okie I'll follow you back!"

Both of them We're nice to each other, No fights, No hatred, just none.

On second thought, Aeri felt abit weird for Hyejin to be nice to her.

Even If Haruto was just Hyejin's fake boyfriend and all just an act, Aeri is still unusual to Hyejin treating her nicely and politely.

Aeri just shrugged and let the thought go, and walk off.

Haruto POV

I saw Aeri and everyone else walking out of class.

I just thought that maybe everyone will discuss about the camping trip with their partner assigned, so I should do that too.

Doyoung seems to be sitting there alone sleeping, Should I go talk to him? What If I ruins his sleep? What If he hates me because of that valentine party incident?

I might get a cold respond, and either a normal respond.

Let's not think too much and give it a shot. Who knows? Maybe we could be friend with each other.

"Hey Doyoungggg" I walk up to him.

He didn't respond me and continues to sleep, Well that was kinda rude.

I take a deep breathe a calls him one more time.


"WHAT- IS THERES A COCKROACH?" Doyoung was startled and starts doing some Kungfu moves.

I was holding my laugh, he seems like a normal funny guy.

But as soon as Doyoung saw me, he realize what he did.

I could tell by the look on his face, he's embarrassed. Plus I was witnessing it which makes it more embarrassing for him.

"Oh Haruto, It's just you" said Doyoung, but to my surprised he told me off in a cold tone.

I was just changing my mind about him being rude and mean, but he's still the same.

"I think we should discuss about the camping trip!" I said with a cheerful tone.

Maybe If I speak more lightly, He would be alittle nicer? The last time I vividly remembered when we met was I look mean and cold towards him.

"You know what? I won't be attending" Doyoung starts packing his things to get up as it looks like he was about to leave,

Now Doyoung starts to get on my nerves, I bite my lips and breathe in.

"Doyoung, don't you need the score?" I'm trying to sound nicer even though he's on his cold shoulder act.

"Or either tell Ms. Lee to change partner," said Doyoung, "I don't wanna stuck with you"

And that's it, I snapped.

"Listen! Don't think you're the boss around here!" I suddenly yelled at him.

He was too stubborn and the cold act was getting on my nerves badly.

"Seriously, Who do you think you are?" I said.

Doyoung went silents and starts standing still. I think I provoke him by my words.

Did I go too far? Should I apologize now? I'm panicking not knowing what to do.

Doyoung sigh, "You're awful" and He picks up his backpack, "I'll go, but don't expect me to talk to you" and he left.

I breathe in, keep it to myself and avoid trying to attack, even if I wanted to slap him so bad.

Seriously? Awful, I'm trying to be nice here. You're the awful one.

"God...." I mumbled.

"Fine If he doesn't wanna talk to me then that'll be it." I let out a sigh and walk out of the classroom.

Of course, I'm not gonna let him be the boss of me.

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