Chapter 8: Secret Code

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I was finishing off Chris P. Bacon. He was quite delicious by the way. Anyway, I turned on my T.V in my garage. A message was displayed on the screen. Wait a second... I'm homeless. I don't have a garage. Or a T.V. Whatever. Lets keep this version going, it makes this story more interesting. You know what else is interesting? Your mom. And bananas. Seriously, why do monkeys like bananas? I wish Unihammechicamesnakesaurusrex's did. We don't. It's a monkey thing. Their purple gooeyness is so good. I wish broccoli tasted as good as bananas. Oh, by the way, I'm colorblind, which is why I said bananas are purple. I know they are really magenta. Don't leave hate in the comments. Before we get on topic, I'll tell you the secret code. I haven't figured it out yet. Here it is: ONENPX VF QRNQ NYERNQL

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