Chapter 11: Life of Pie

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Yale is super easy. My grades are wonderful! I have an F in everything, which stands for fantastic by the way. I have a story due for English today. I wrote a biography. I thought you would like it, so here it is. 

                                                                                                       Life of Pie

Pie Canduit was born on April 27, 1951. His parents where Dinah Cancer and Hugh Canduit. Pie had a tough childhood. He was picked on, and would walk home so he wouldn't have to be punched on the bus. One day, he had enough. He quit school, and began working in a restaurant. He realized that if you cooked dough and put fruits in it, it tasted good. He called this food Pie, after his name. He became rich and famous off of Pies. Many new things have changed from Pie's story, which are all false. The first is he was a math symbol. This is completely screwed up, because not only did he leave school, and was bad at math, but they spelled his name wrong!! His name is spelled P-I-E, but in this case it is P-I. Unacceptable. The other main story is in a movie. A boy is stranded at sea with a tiger. Yes, a tiger. Once again, his name is spelled P-I. Now, you know the true Life of Pie.

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