I have a job. A job. Yes I, Unihammechicamesnakesaurusrex, have a job. The same person who tried killing the president. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention my job. I'm a gardener. Wanna hear a joke? What did the gardener say to his assistant? WATER THOSE!!! Today is the first day of my job. How was the word job even created? Maybe it was a guy named Steve Job who had a company named after a fruit, and needed even more money so named a word after himself? I don't know. Anyways, right now I just arrived at work. My office is on the 13th floor of the building. (I know gardeners don't usually work in offices but who cares it a story) When I got to my office l, things seemed a bit off. First of all, there were no windows. Secondly, the computer was smashed. Then I saw they weirdest thing. There was a living chicken giving birth to her kids. On my desk. Speaking of chickens, KFC is so good. I went there last night and got a sausage filled with hamburger juice with a sliced pickle on top. It may have been the best food I have ever tasted. Wait no, YOUR MOM WAS THE BEST THING I EVER TASTED!! OOHHH ROASTEDDDDDD!!!! Like a turkey after being murdered BY YOUR MOM!!! OOHHH!!!! ROASTED AGAIN!!! Anyways, got to get to work. Bye for now. Wait, maybe a while. The person telling my story is lazy and doesn't like writing. Bye anyways.
AcakUniammechicamesnakesaurusrex (pronounced unihammechicamesnakesaurusrex) was a bodygaurd for Barack Obama. Standing at 3 inches tall, and weighing 14 pounds, he is the ideal size for a bodyguard. He and Barack were great friends. They were such good...