Here with me

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"Wake up cheater. You need to wake up" the voice says again. I try to open my eyes but I can't. I can't move, I'm awake but my muscles don't wanna move or do anything. "Y/n, please wake up" I hear the soft voice say his voice is as sweet like candy, but also as deep as the blue sky in the night the stars dancing around the moon. "Mister Kaulitz?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say. "Yes?" I hear Bill say nervously.

"She's in a coma" he says. I hear Bill starts sobbing and caressing my cheek. "No NO, YOU'RE LYING" he yells. The doctor sighs "I'm sorry" he says before I hear a door close. I hear the leather of Bill's jacket move before I have 2 hands cupping my face "your not in a coma please y/n. WAKE UP!" He yells shaking me face. I hear the panic In his voice in his breathing.

That's when the door opens again. "Hey Bill" A deeper voice says. No NO I want him to leave I wanna stand up and beat him up I wanna cut his balls off right now. "How is she?" He says with guilt in his voice. "She's in a come" Bill says, I feel a warm tear fall on my hand. The tear is so soft it feels like I'm touching a cloud.
"Oh" Tom says waking me up from my trance. "Bill.." he says with doubt in his voice. "Mhm" Bill says sobbing. "I. Uhh.. it could be my fault" he says. Is he gonna confess? He better before I wake up and I do it.

Bill lets out a hiccup "what do you mean" he says sniffing. "She uhhh ran away from me and uhh yea" he says. He sniffles again "why?" "Uhh cause I- I" he sighs "Never mind" Tom says. Oh Tom this was the wrong awnser. "Oh no. Now you need to tell Bill and Tom can say you wanted it too. And who sinuous think Bill believes? You or his twin brother" the voice says. I feel a warm tear roll down my cold skin "TOM LOOK" Bill says as I feel him pointing at the tear. Tom steps close too close I can feel the same body warmth the same smell.

"She's crying" Tom says. His voice his smell makes me cry even more. I just wanna wake up already and kick Tom in the nuts. "Y/n can you hear me?!" Bill yells shaking both my shoulders. I wanna
Yell his name I wanna hug him
Kiss him. I just wanna wake up right now. I miss him even tough he's here with me.

My voice wants to talk. I start humming cause I can't open my mouth. "Y/N!" Bill yells. "TOM CALL A DOCTOR" he yells. I hear Tom rush and klick a button 1000 times. I hear the door fly open and hear doctors running in. "They open my eyes and I see the light in my eyes. They check my pulse. "She's awake but she's paralysed" one of the doctors says. "There is a change she'll wake up tomorrow" he says. Bill lets out a breath of relieve. "But cause 4 ribs are broken and her leg and 2 fingers she'll need to stay here.

I didn't feel the pain till now he mentioned it. It hurts but the moment Bill his hand caresses my cheek it leaves. He's my medicine, my  happy place. "It's gonna be okay y/n" Bill says.

Time skip

"I'm gonna sleep now" Bill says. "Should I stay here?" Tom asks. Oh god no "yes thanks Tom" Bill says. NOOO WHYYY. How can such a perfect Boy be so stupid? "Okay" Tom says still the same guilt in his voice.

After a few minutes the sound in the room dies and they fell asleep. I hear Bill groaning a bit making me smile mentally. God I think I love him. "You love him? Are you sure? Someone who loves him wouldn't cheat on him" the voice says again. Maybe it's right maybe I don't love him. I mean I cheated on him with his brother. It's my fault, if I fought back harder I would've escaped and I wouldn't be here now.

Time skip to next morning

I open my eyes and see the hospital lights. They're too bright, I let my e yes S get used to it before I try to move. It hurts, pain shoots trough my body. I look at my fingers they're tied to each other with an bandage. I look at my left and see Bill sleeping in the chair, my heart flutters at the sight of him being so peaceful. "Y/n?" I hear Tom say and my heart drops. He stands up and walks up to my he touches my arm and I flinch. "Your finally awake" he says I frown "what? The doctors said I would wake up next morning" I say.

"You've been gone for a week" he says, my heart dropped. I start to hyperventilate "I've been gone for a week? How?!" I yell. My yell woke up Bill and he came running towards me. "Y/n calm down" he says, I shake my head "NO" I yell. A horrible pain flows in my stomach making me flinch and throw my arms to my stomach. I start whining and Tom calls the doctor. "Ways wrong?" A female doctor with blonde hair and brown eyes comes walking in.

"She awake and her stomach hurts really bad" Bill says. She nods and presses her hand on my lower belly. She feels for a while before her eyes get big. "How old are you sweetheart?" She asks. "15" I say. She nods calmly but I see the shock in her eyes. "Uh Boys can you please leave for a minute" she says. They nod and walk out of the room closing the door behind them. She turns to me and puts her hand on my stomach "sweetie I think your pregnant.. with two" she says. I look at her letting her words sink into my mind before I break down. "NO YOUR LYING!" I yell. She shakes her head calmly. "Is the boy with the black hair your boyfriend?" She asks. I nod my head. "Okay I think they're his" she says. My heart drops "could you do a DNA test?" I ask looking up at her with my tear stained face.

She nods "of course. Here is a wheelchair" she says handing me a wheelchair and helping me in. She rolls me out do the room. We meet with Bill And Tom and they focus on us emediatly "what's is it?" Bill ask caressing my tears with his thumb. I start to sob "noting" the doctor says. And walks with me to another room at the end of the hallway. She lays me down and does the test. After a while she comes back looking shocked. "Who is the dad?" I ask praying it's Bill. I don't wanna be pregnant at all but if I have to be I want it to be Bill's.

"Tom" she says. I start to cry uncontrollably and throw myself into the wheelchair. It hurts. My ribs my fingers my leg. But I don't care I want this nightmare to be over. "Y/N" Bill heels and comes running towards me. I hug him around his neck and he hugs me back. Tom comes walking towards us. "FUCK YOU TOM" I yell making him look at his feet. "What's wrong?" Bill ask putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I'm pregnant" I say. Bill lays a hand on my thigh "with 2" I say. Bills eyes get big "baby it's okay" he says but I shake my head. "Tom is the dad" I say.

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