A girl called Y/N her parents are divorced and she lives with her dad. Her dad has a new girlfriend in Germany and they need to live there. She doesn't want to leave her life in LA behind but she has no choice.
Y/n is gonna give birth anytime now. She's already having a few contractions. Bill came too, after their big fight he was sweet to her again. He just snapped out of it. He's holding her hand tightly as another contraction hits her body. She groans loudly squeezing her eyes shut. "I fucking hate this" she says. Bill his thumb caresses the back of her hand "it'll be over soon" he says.
I did notice his voice is so soft. The way he looks at her is magic. He's so I love with her, and she is with him. They're the perfect match, and that's a fact.
She sighs heavily and lets her body fall back in the pillow. Her eyes are closed and she breathes slowly. Bill pushes a strand of hair from her sweaty forehead, and gives her a kiss on her forehead. "I love you" he whispers and sits back in the chair. She smiles her eyes still closed "I love you too" she says.
Y/n's POV:
I feel the baby is almost about to be born. My belly is lower then before an I'm having many contractions. I have my eyes closed trying to get some rest. I haven't slept all night.
It's now 4 in the morning and around 12 I was starting to have heavy contractions. Bill rushed me to the hospital and they said the baby is about to get born, that was 4 hours ago..
I open my eyes and see Bill his hand is still holding mine and his head is on the bed. He's in a deep sleep. I smile at him, he's so adorable.
"How are you feeling?" Tom asks. I look at him and put my free hand on my belly trough the blankets "bad" I say chuckling. He also chuckles. "Does is hurt much?" He asks, I nod "really bad" I say. "He stands up and puts his hand over mine "it'll be okay" he says.
That's when a doctor comes walking in. "Hello miss y/l/n and mister Kaulitz. We are gonna do an cesarean section because it's taking so long" he says. I nod "better then going trough all the pain." I say. "Okay well.. are they both coming in the labour room?" He asks. I shakes Bill's hand gently, he flutters his eyes open and looks at me "what is it?" He asks "are you coming? Or do you wanna stay here" I ask. "I'll stay here , to give you some space" he says. I nod and the doctors take me to the hallway.
I'm starting to get very anxious. My baby is about to get born. The love of my life I've been carrying in my belly for 9 months. I've been connected to her for that long and now she's just gonna get cut out of me.
Tom notices my anxiousness cause he takes my hand in his. "It's okay." He says, he gives my hand a light squeeze. I smile feeling better already. His hand is warm and soft too, but different from Bill's. Bill's hand feels like you're dancing in the snow with a cup of warm coco in you're hand. But with Tom.. with Tom it feels like you're sitting in front of the fire place on a cold Christmas evening and you're holding a candle. They both bring me so much comfort. But I fell in love with the first one.
Bill's POV
I'm still waiting for them.. it's taking long now. I'm shaking my leg up and down super fast. I hope the baby and Y/n will be okay. I've heard that a mom can die giving birth, that can't happen. She's my favourite person on this planet.. she can't die.
Maybe I'm being too stressed and is everything going to be okay. The doctors professionals after all. They got this job for a reason. And we paid much money for good doctors so.. it's alright.
Tom's POV
She just got the anaesthesia and it's like she's drunk. Her head is behind a little curtain so she can't see what they're doing. And I can look over the curtain.
My thumb is caressing her cheek as I see how our baby is almost out. "Tom?" She says with a sweet tired voice. I look down at her face "yes?" "Are they almost done.. is she here?" She asks. "Almost" I say. I look back hearing my baby cry and seeing her little legs move. My heart melts.. she's so beautiful.
"Sir do you wanna cut the string?" They ask. I nod. They give me a special scissors and they stretch it out for me. I cut the string loose and they emediatly start weighing the baby and stuff. "Okay we can take her to a rest room and there we can wait till she feels okay again. I nod and walk with the doctors to the room.
I sit down on a chair waiting for them to bring our baby. I can't help but still feel guilty, this baby wasn't made with love and she should be. She deserves that, and so does Y/n. Even tough we're to young to have children.
"Tom?" I look and see y/n is back. "Hey." I say. "Where is she?" She asks. "The doctors are almost done, they'll bring her over here. She nods. She closes her eyes again and I can hear her little snores, she's still very tired.
"Mister kaulitz and misses y/l/n?" I turn my head and see a doctor with my baby. I stand up "yes that's us" I say. He gives me a wrapped up marshmallow but when I look better it's just my baby. I look at her her lips are just like Y/n's, I have thick lips and she has thick lips. Her nose is like mine. But I can't see her eyes, they're closed. I can't help but smile big at her. I've never been more in love. I look back up at the doctor "thank you so much" I say. "No problem, we all love doing this" he says. "Can you get my brother?" I ask. He nods and walk out of the room.
Y/n's POV
I open my eyes and see Tom is holding some pillow. My vision goes sharper and I see it's our baby. "Tom" I say holding out my arms. He looks at me and stands up. He helps me sit up better and gives me my baby.
I look at her and I melt at the sight of her. She's so perfect, so adorable, so beautiful. She yawns and makes a little noise. I smile big and hold her against me tightly. I look up at Tom "she's so perfect" I say. He nods "she really is" he says. I hold her now with one hand and hold out my free arm an invitation for him to hug me. He hugs me tightly and also hugs Lilly.
We stay like that for a few seconds before we here a door open and shut. We both look up to see Bill standing in front of the door. "How are you feeling?" He asks walking towards me. "Good, really good" I say. He looks at Lilly and I give her to him. He holds her tightly with his thin arms and looks at her. "She's so beautiful" he says smiling. Me and Tom smile at each other seeing Bill takes it good.
"We can go home in a week" Tom says. We nod and Bill gives me back Lilly. He gives me a kiss on my lips and rests against te edge of the bed. "I love you" Bill says. "I love you too" I say.
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