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"Wh-what?" Bill asks his eyes big, full of disbelieve. "Oh god Bill you heard me!" I yell my eyes filling with tears. "You had sex with my brother!" He asks pain in his voice. I can hear his heart break trough his chest. "I- I didn't want it I-I" I can't speak anymore Tears stream down my face onto my hands. Bill turns to Tom "DID YOU RAPE MY GIRLFRIEND?" He yells. I look up to see anger in his eyes . I've never seen him like this. I turn my head to Tom he has fear in his eyes. "Bill I'm-" Bill cut him off. "No Tom I can't believe you did this to me, to her" he pauses and looks down a tear falling from his eye.

"Bill I'm sorry" I say my voice croaky of the slime in my throat. He kneels down next to me cupping my cheek making me look at him. "It's not your fault baby" he says his voice soft. He walks over to Tom. Tom's looking at the ground "Look at me!" He yells close to his face. Tom looks up at him. "I'm sor-" Bill cuts him off by slamming his fist against his jaw. Tom caresses his jaw with 2 fingers opening and closing his mouth.

Before he can look up Bill paunches on him. "BILL STOP" I yell but he doesn't listen. He seems def of anger. Doctors come running towards them pulling Bill off of Tom before he can do more damage. Bill tries to kick himself loose but the doctors are too strong "Calm down" one of the doctors says. Another doctor helps Tom up checking his face and his body. "Are you okay?" He asks. "I deserved it" he says looking down. That's when the doctor who did te test comes walking up to us. "What's going o-" "shut up, what's your name?" I say "doctor Fischer" she says, I nods.

"Okay Time to go home" I say and push my wheelchair forward pain shooting trough my body but I ignore it. I don't want these baby's but I don't wanna kill them. They're my flesh and blood, my children. "No you need to stay here" the doctor says holding back my wheelchair. I shake my head. "No I'm going home" I Stand up and fall against the wall making Bill rush up to me holding me up. "I'm going home" I say "I'm fine" Bill shakes his head. "Bill come on I'll just stay in bed but I can't stay here anymore" I say tear starting to sting in my eyes.

Bill looks up at the doctor waiting for an awnser. She sighs "well if you come to us when we ask you to" she says. I nod quickly. "And take some tests" she says I nod again. "Fine" she says. I wanna jump out of excitement but I can't with my leg. "Okay come on" I say. "Can we rent the wheelchair?" Bill asks. The doctor nods, and Bill gives her the money. Bill pushes me out of the hospital leaving Tom behind.

"I'm sorry Bill" I say sobbing. He sighs "It's not your fault. But tell me when and what happened" "well.. at the party I went to go check on max and then Tom pulled me into his room. He was stoned and drunk and too strong. I wanted to push him off but he wouldn't let me.. the After it happened I ran away I felt guilty so I ignored you and then I got hit by a car" I say tears now streaming down my face. Bill sighs and I feel a tear fall on my head. He stops the wheelchair and kneels down in front of me. "It's not your fault.. but I can understand if you don't wanna kill your babies" he says. I look down and he gives me a kiss on my head before walking again.

We arrive home but no one's here. "Hello?" Bill says closing the door. He shrugs and walks towards the stairs. "Tell me if it hurts" he says. He picks me up carefully like he knows exactly where it hurts. He walks up the stairs with me like I weigh as much as a feather. He lays me down in his bed "here this bed is better" he says throwing the blankets over me. "Are you cold? Do you want more blankets?, more pillows?, tea?" He asks. I shake my head "I'm fine" "you need to eat something" he says. I shake my head "I'm not hungry right now" I say. He nods and walks away, he comes back with the wheelchair in his arms and puts it down next to me. He walks toward the door "Bill wait" he turns around "can you stay here?" I ask. I smiles and nods. "Ofcourse" he says.

He lies down next me with a little groan. He holds me with one arm as he turns the tv on. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks. I nod. "Which one?" "Titanic" I say. He smiles "okay" he puts titanic on and I snuggle up to him totally forgetting about the pain. "Y/n.." "mhm?" "I- I think I love you" Bill says. My eyes get big. Did I hear that good? "I love you too" I say. He smiles and I look up at him. He presses his lips against mine caressing my two fingers. I whine a bit on the kiss but cause of happiness and comfort.

That's when I feel a terrible pain in my belly. I flinch pulling away from the kiss. "What's wrong?" Bill asks caressing my hair. "N-nothing my belly hurts" I say. He puts his big warm hand on my belly caressing it with his thumb. "Bill.." I look up at him "mhm?" He says looking at my belly. "What if I don't want to kill the baby's.. I don't want them but I don't wanna kill them" I say. My Ken mind is killing me, making me confused but it's my flesh and blood. "That's fine I totally understand.. I- I'm just scared you'll leave me for Tom" He says. I cup his cheek making him look at me. "I will never leave you for anyone" I say it's true. I already know I wanna spend my life with this boy.

He smiles. "I love you so so much" he says. "I love you more Bill" I say. He chuckles and I do too laying my head on his chest. That's when we hear the front door close and footsteps come towards the room. Someone opens the door and we both look up. "Hey" Tom says his face full of guilt. "Leave Tom" Bill says no emotion ik his voice.

"I- I just wanna ask y/n something" he says. Bill sighs and Tom kneels down next to me. "Are you.. are you gonna kill them" he starts to cry "are you gonna kill my babies" he says. His helpless face, his sad voice, his big tears make me feel so horrible. "No Tom, I'm not gonna kill them.. I'm gonna give birth to them but I don't wanna see them after that. When they're born you take care of them" I say. His face has relieve in it. He nods "thank you" he says. He stands up and walks out of the room.

My heart broke seeing both the boys like this. It's all my fault. I did this to them "Bill I'm so sorry" I say. He looks at me confused "for what?" "I did this to you. To Tom. It's all my fault. I'm sorry" I say. He shakes his head "no no you didn't do this. If it's anyone's fault it's Tom's not yours" he says hugging me tightly but not to tight just perfect. I lay my head on his chest listening to his calm strong heartbeat.
I love him so much.. I don't deserve him.

That where my last thoughts before I fell asleep.

A/n: sorry if this chapter took too long. I don't really like it myself but I had to write something. Well I hope you guys are enjoying this. Byeee.

Sorry but just look at how cute this is

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Sorry but just look at how cute this is. I'm melting seriously.

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