My world

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I wake up with Bill's big warm hand on my lower belly. I turn to him, he's sleeping so peacefully. I smile and brush some strands of hair out of his face. He breathes in heavily and moves on his back. He opens his eyes and turns to me, he smiles at me and hugs me. I hug him back pain shorting trough my ribs, but it's worth it.

Then my bedroom door opens and light fills the room. "Come downstairs your dad wants to talk to us all" Simone says. I sigh and sit up straight. "Watch our baby" Bill says. He jumps out of bed running around it and crouches next to me and helps me in the wheelchair. I sit down rubbing my eyes as he pushes me forward out of the room.

He caries me off the stairs, and caries the wheelchair off too. "This is so annoying" I say sitting back down in the wheelchair. Bill kneels down in front of me. He grabs my face and kisses me me softly on the lips. He pulls back still holding my face "I'll do anything for you" he says. I smiles leaning in his hand "okay okay enough sit down" my dad says sitting on the couch.

Bill pushes me forward and grabs a chair sitting down next to me. Tom is sitting on the lazy chair and my dad and Simone are sitting on the couch.

My dad sighs and shakes his head. "Tom.. why?" He says not knowing what to say.

Tom starts fidgeting with his fingers "I- I don't know" he says looking down at his lap. "Y/n.. what happened" my dad says. I sigh and look at Tom, he's still looking at his lap. "We'll I uh" I clear my throat. "I was walking to max's room to check on him.. and Tom pulled me into his room" tears start to sting in my eyes reliving the moment. "He was drunk and Stoned and he just wouldn't let me go" My voice is now all high pitch and wobbly.

Simone starts to cry a bit too "Tom how could you" she says tears falling off her cheeks. "I'm sorry" he says. "Y/n.. are you gonna get an abortus?" He asks turning his gaze to me. I shake my head.

I don't want these baby's but they're my flesh and blood. I can't just kill them like that. "I don't wanna be their mom" I say. Fuck I didn't mean to say that out loud. Tom looks down and Bill puts an arm around me. "I'm sorry I-I got to go now" I say. I push myself out of the house my fingers hurting like shit but I don't care. "Fuck this wheelchair" I mumble. I step out of the wheelchair and walk. I walk without pain.. I haven't moved my leg but I also never broke it. I take of the cast.

I look at my leg, it doesn't look broken. I try to walk, my leg doesn't hurt, at all. My fucking leg isn't even broken. Did that stupid doctor lie about that too? Fucking hell.

I'm gonna leave and never come back.

I walk to an abandoned building and sit down against the graffiti walls. I light a cigarette an out my head against the wall. "Y/n wo bist du!"  I hear someone yell. It's Bill, it means: where are you? "I'm here" I say, putting out my cigarette against the wall and throwing it to my left.

He walks around the corner and meets my eyes. "Hi baby" he says kneeling down next to me. His fingers slide trough my hair gently "what was that?" He asks. "What was what?" I ask. "You just walked away.. and your leg" he says. "Yea the doctor lied about my leg I think" I say. He hugs me "it's gonna be okay" he says in my shoulder. I let my head rest on his shoulder before he pulls away "give me a cigarette" he says holding his hand out.

I hand him a cigarette and he puts it in his mouth. I light it for him as he looks at me with a weird face. I give him a laugh and he laughs seeing me laugh. "So.. are you gonna come home with me?" He asks. I shake my head "I wanna stay here for a while now.. I don't wanna go to Tom and dad.. and Max" I say picking on some stick. "Okay I'll stay here" he says, I look up at him "you don't have to" I say. He shrugs "I wanna be with you all the time. I'm not gonna leave you alone here" he says I smile and lay my head on his shoulder, he lays his head on mine.

I know I wanna spend the rest of my life with him. He's just so amazing, he's all I could wish for.

He peels his head up and so do I. "Do you really love me?" He asks "ofcourse I do! Why?" "Well I don't know. I don't feel like I can be loved" he says looking at his hands. I cup his face making him look at me. "Bill.. you're the most beautiful, talented, and some boy ever. If they'd know you every girl would love you." I say making him smile.

He hugs me tight sobbing a bit I'm my shoulder. I hold the back of his head and stroke it. I kiss him against his ear "I love you so much Bill" I say.

Bill's POV

"I love you so much Bill" she says. I pull back "I love you way more" I say. "I love you this much" I say spreading my arms as far as I can. She stands up "but I love your from here to here" she says running around the room. "I love you more then the Universe is big!" I Say walking towards her. I grab her waist with one hand and pull her close. She laughs in the kiss giving me a warm feeling I'm my stomach.

We pull back smiling at each other. She looks to her left and gasps "a chair" she says. "Now I can sit down without pain" she says she walks towards it but I pull her back by her shoulder and run past her. I sit down on the chair laughing at her. She lets her arms drop to her side and sighs in disappointment. She groans "nooo come on" she says.

I laugh and pat my leg a sign for her to sit down. She blushes making my smirk. She sits down on my lap and my breath hitches. She turns around now face forward to me. She grabs my shoulders and kisses me. She moves a bit on my lap hitting my member who's starting to get hard.

I let out soft moans in the kiss. She pulls back and stands up from me.

She sits down on the ground and I sit down next to her. "It's starting to get late" I say. She shrugs. I move closer to her now my body touching hers. She lays her head down on my shoulder and I put my head on hers. I sigh and close my eyes. Dozing off to sleep.

"She's my world"

"She's my world"

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