kenny x Kyle: Twenty Questions

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(I don't ship it but I'm using a list of south park ships that I found on Pinterest)

(Possible TW: cussing)

Stan is sick and Cartman is on a trip to see his grandparents, so Kenny and Kyle decided to hang out. The two boys are at the Broflovski home, in Kyle's room. Kenny seemed happy enough to be out of the house, he had brought Karen with him to hang out with Ike, so he knew that she was safe.

The two pondered on what to do since there wasn't too much that they didn't find boring now that they are no longer children. They can faintly hear the twelve-year-old Ike and thirteen-year-old Karen laughing and playing a game. The boys smile at each other, listening for a little longer.

"Ike, Ike, I'm over here, come on!" Karen's voice. "Hold on, I'm coming!" Ike's voice. They both seem cheerful, which makes the older boys happy. Kyle can't help but look at Kenny, who has his hood down for the first time in a long while. His smile is sweet, and Kyle can tell how much love he has for his little sister.

"You're a good brother, Kenny." His attention is on Kyle, "You think so?' Kyle nods, smiling. "Well, you're your good brother too, now that you don't kick Ike through windows." They laugh, and Kyle punches him on the arm playfully, "That was a long time ago, dude! Besides, he seems to have turned out fine." Kenny nods, still smiling.

It's been a while since that smile has been on his face, with how shitty his life has been. All he has is his sister, and a couple of friends, who sometimes don't seem like his friends at all. But at least Kyle put in effort to be nice, after all, he's never been in Kyle's house without one of the other boys tagging along.

"You wanna play twenty questions?" Kyle shrugs, "Sure, why not?" The boys sit on Kyle's bed, criss-cross and facing one another.

Kyle's point of view

I wonder why he picked twenty questions? I'm not complaining or anything, it just seems a bit childish. Maybe I'm overthinking it. Probably. "I'll go first. First crush?" I don't even need to think, but I pretend like I'm trying to remember. I haven't had the best luck with crushes, it's ways ended poorly for me. "Rebecca Cotswolds." Kenny nods, remembering her.

I made her into a monster...a whore. Ugh. I try to shake off the memory. Kenny catches on and changes the subject. "Your turn, dude." I think for a moment, "Was there ever a thing with you and Butters?" He laughs and shakes his head, "No, I've never had a thing for Butters. I mean...I've experimented, but I didn't catch feelings." Experimented??? "Oh, okay. Makes sense." I hope he doesn't realize that I am lost. "Easy one, what's your Sexuality?" "I'm bi."

"I thought so," Kenny says. "What do you mean by that?" He laughs again, "Dude, I'd catch you checking out boys some time." I feel my face go red, "Whatever. What's your Sexuality?" "I'm pan." Kyle nods more to himself. Seems fitting enough. "You still a virgin?" His tone is teasing and playful, but I blush hard. "Dude, do I have to answer that?" Kenny nods, "Twenty questions, no less, no more."

"...yeah. I am." He shrugs, "That's okay, you're still young." Oh, I thought he was going to make fun of me. " why did you pick this game?" Kenny chuckles, "We get an opportunity to learn anything about each other." I nod, thinking nothing of it. "Have you ever kissed a boy?" I shake my head, "Never. I almost kissed Stan one time, but he was drunk. U-uh...please don't tell him that..."

He nods, pretending to zip his lips and throwing an imaginary key. "Have you ever kissed a boy?" "He'll yeah, I've kissed tons." I blink a few times at his brash honestly, but nod. "Do you want to kiss a boy?" I feel my face turn pink, "what kind of question is that?" He smirks, "Not a question, but an invitation." W-what?! No way he's serious... "Well, do you?"

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