Kyle x Cartman: Toxicity (Part 3)

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(Possible TW: Abuse: mental/physical, cussing, blood, violence, depression, self harm)

I don't speak. He simply misses his ex girlfriend, and really it's my fault that she is his ex. Did he treat her the way he treats me? Or was he actually nice in private to her like she had said? I'm so confused... he's horrible, I know that. But... No! No buts! He's awful, and deserves to burn in Hell! I don't sleep at all that night.

I've been having trouble sleeping ever since that night. The things he did to me... I have nightmares. I look at my reflection, and let out a deep sigh, brushing my teeth and getting dressed. I knew that he'd be waiting for me outside, and dreaded the thought. How did things even come to this? I mean, I knew he was a crazy asshole, but this? Before I know it, my feet are taking me to the front door, my bag slung over my shoulder.

Sure enough, when I turn the knob, I'm met with his pudgy face. "Hey Kahl!" He grabs my hand, dragging me to the bus stop. We don't stand with the guys anymore, he makes me stay distanced. The bus seems to take forever, and he traps me in the seat. His fat hand squeezes my thigh, making me jump, which I know he will scold me for later. Great. Classes drag on as usual, dull. The only good ones are the ones that I don't have with him.

I'm starting to despise him more than before, but it's my fault that I'm in this mess to begin with. There's no way out. He's waiting for me outside of eighth period, and we walk home. "I'm hanging out at yours." I shoot him an anxious glare, and he gives me a scowel, "I know your parents aren't home, my mom told me." I nod in defeat, unlocking the door and allowing him in before me. Once I close it, he has me pinned down against it.

My eyes widen as he leans in; his lips are going to take mine again. I force my eyes closed, groaning in displeasure as his blubbery meat flaps (that's is actually weird as hell to write why did I do that I am so sorry) slather saliva onto my thin ones. He is not a good kisser, not even in the slightest. He pulls away, glaring. "You can at least pretend to enjoy it, you fucking cunt." My eyes drop, and I murmur an apology.

"What was that bitch boy? I didn't hear you." "I'm sorry, Eric. I will do better." "Damn right you will, shit stain." He has an expectant look on his face. He wants me to kiss him. I swallow the bile building up in my throat at the thought, cupping his chunky face and pressing my lips to his. Maybe if I pretend it's Stan it won't be so bad. I wish I were with Stan right now...

He groans against my lips, and I press it down. I decide it might be easier if I ignore the outside world and just think about Stan. His smile, his jet black hair...his laugh, the way he used to hang out with me. I can't think about this anymore... I press harder into Eric. Stan would never love me. He'd never let me do this. He slips his tongue into my mouth, and I allow it to happen.

Tears threaten my eyes, but I ignore that too. I feel his bulge against me, and shudder. He takes it as a pleasured shudder though. I feel sick. He scoops me up in his arms and carries me to me room, slamming me down onto my bed and tearing my clothes off carelessly, ripping one of the buttons off of my shirt. I don't move, I just close my eyes as his hands grope my body. This had become a ritual, and I learned to block it all out.

While he used my body, I thought about other things. Killing him, watching him rot in prison, those kinds of things.
He plops down next to me, panting harshly. I sit up, and he didn't seem to like that. "AY! DU...MB....FUCK...!" He yells between pants, his hand striking my face. I yelp, laying back down immediately. He climbs onto of me, swinging at my face over and over. His fists hurt, despite all of the fat on them.

They land on my eye, my nose, my lip, my jaw, and bruise up my face. I sob, begging him to stop until my throat is raw. He doesn't though, and after a while everything fades to black.

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