Kenny x Butters: Fix Me (Part One)

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(Possible TW: Mention of death & suicide, violence, cussing, dead Karen au, child abuse, homicide(s), insane Kenny, graphic gore.)

I am dreaming. I know this. I'm back in that house, running to the living room. My heart is pounding. I had heard a gunshot. My mother was screaming. I freeze when I get there, Karen's crumpled body the first thing I had seen. My dad had the gun. He was arguing with my mother moments before, like always. Karen must have been trying to break them up. Her eyes are lifeless, blood leaking from her head.

My father looks at me, shocked, he drops the gun, reaching his hand out to me, though I am across the room. His eyes plead with me, and my mother drops next to my sister with sobs. I make my way to the kitchen, keeping a stoic manner as I do so. My hand tugs open the knife drawer. The sharp object shimmers with the dim kitchen light.

My hands feel the cool metal, my fingertips slowly gliding across the blade. I tuck it behind my back, making my way back to the living room. "Look what you've done. You were always horrible parents, but this? I cannot forgive you. YOU KILLED HER! SHE'S GONE!" He drops to his knees before me, tears rolling down his face. My mother doesn't speak, she's holding Karen's limp body.

"And you, you're just as sick. Get the fuck off of her, you've never cared about her. Not until now." Her trembling hands set Karen's body back down gently, and she covers her eyes. Just then, I slit my father's throat, his blood spraying across my face. He makes a gurgle gasp, clutching the wound before flailing around on the ground. My mother screams, but I cannot kill her.

She didn't kill my sister, though she may not have cared for her either. I scoop Karen up in my arms; her soft skin touching my arms. My vision blurs, and I jolt awake with a gasp. I'm in the asylum, a white room, bright enough to make me scream. Vomit begs to be released, and I do not dare deny it. Finally, a color that isn't white.

I rock back and forth, mumbling to myself. Flashes of my following actions haunt my mind. The murders that I had committed. It didn't end with my father. I killed two cops, who had found me suspicious as I was covered in blood and carrying around a dead body. I had stolen dad's gun before I left, and shot them to death. Tears stream down my face, and I scream out again. The padding on the walls keeps it from echoing, and I can only scream more.

There's a loud bang on the door, also concealed by white padding. "Mccormick, you have a visitor, if you don't cut out that damned screaming ill tell them to go home!" I stop, my throat raw. A visitor? Who? He enters, cuffing my wrists together and leading me to the heavy duty glass wall, handing me the phone. I'm met with a blonde man, and recognize him immediately. "Butters?"

He nods, "Yeah, it's me. Sorry I didn't visit sooner, they wouldn't let me. They thought t-that seeing me would make you lash out." Butters and I were "talking" before the incident. we even kissed once. His eyes are soft, and I'm suddenly self conscious. I had really let my appearance go, embodying the whole "crazy person" look. "Why are you here?"

He didn't seem to have a reply to that, and after a minute of silence I thought he wasn't going to speak. And yet, he prevailed, "I just...missed you." What? It's been years, did he not move on? "Surely you've found someone else?" He gives an awkward smile, not meeting my eyes, "Of course I did, Ken, he's very nice and all." I felt a pang in my heart, and emotion that went dormant forever ago.

Jealousy. "Oh, what's his name?" He eyes me a few times, clearly debating on whether he would risk saying it or not. "Bradley, that boy I met at anti-gay camp." Bradley? Why was he never mentioned to me? "Oh, well congrats." Butters's expression quickly changed, "But I wasn't finished. He's a nice guy, and treats me very good, but he isn't you. I know you and I were pretty much just friends with benefits, But it was more than that to me."

A sickening feeling bubbles up in my stomach, and I can tell that my expression darkens, "Even after all that I've done? The two innocent cops that I murdered in cold blood?" He looks down again, rubbing the back of his neck, "That wasn't you. Maybe physically, but not mentally. I know how much..." He cuts himself off, not saying her name. This irritates me.

"How much I loved Karen." I finish his sentence, and his blue orbs flick up to meet mine. "Y-yeah, I didn't mean to bring that up, I'm sorry." "Listen, Leo, I'm....different now. My psyche broke, I'm insane. All I wanna do it hurt people I-" The gaurd that had escorted me suddenly is at my side, a menacing look on his face. He wasn't fooling me. "Alright, Mccormick, times up." I give Butters one more quick glance, "I'm not the same Ken that you loved...but come see me again sometime?"

"Sure." And with that the guard whisks me away back to my white room. My silent room. At least I didn't have to wear the straight jacket anymore. I sit in the corner, combing out tangles in my hair with my fingers. I'd need to request a shower soon. I hate it, though, because they always monitor me. Their gross eyes stay focused on me and my naked body, glaring at me in disgust. I'd be disgusted too, though.

I try not to think about anything at all, emptying my brain as a unknowingly rock back and forth. The door opening makes me jump, and I scowl as the same guard that escorted me tosses me a tray of food. Their food is almost inedible, either hard as a rock or inexplainably mushy. It always reeks too. I pick at it, eating bits and pieces before sliding the tray across the floor after spitting on it. He rolls his eyes, taking it and leaving me with the silence again.

Should I keep with this?

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