Craig x (Homeless)Fem!Reader: Rescue Me (Part Two)

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(Possible TW: Cussing)

This one is more of a filler part to this specific story.

Your eyes flutter open slightly, the warmth throwing you off. You sit up with a jolt, scanning around with shock. So it wasn't a dream after all.

"You okay there, (y/n)?" The sound of Craig's voice reminds you all too well how real his kindness had truly been. His black hair is ruffled with sleep, but his piercing eyes bore into you with a sweet, yet concerned expression. You nod, and then smile as he presents you a plate of food. You take it gently, giving him a thank you. It looks pretty good, and happened to be your favorite food from when you lived with your parents.

You push the thought of them away, taking bites if the meal he had prepared It tasted even better than you remembered, and he smiled. Craig Tucker smiled. Your heart pangs, and you feel your face turn pink. He doesn't catch it, though. "I have work in about an hour or so, I'll be back around 4:30, alright? If you go anywhere, make sure that you come back here." It's currently 10:12 Am, so that meant you'd have six hours to fully poke around and explore.

"Sure...and um...thank you, for everything really. It means a lot." He mutters something under his breath, but you can't make it out. "Huh?" "Nothing." He scoops up the rest of his food, eating it and quickly chugging a glass of water. "Food and drinks in the fridge, if you wanna shower there's towels in the bathroom and clothes in the bedroom. I'll have to take you out to get a few shirts if your own and such, and then maybe we can try to get you employed somewhere. We don't have to of course if you're more of a stay at home girl."

He continues, "You could even work from home on my laptop, we'll get you a phone, too. It'll be great, you'll see." You blink, your eyes widening in awe, "You can't actually mean letting me live here?" He rolls his eyes, "That's exactly what I mean. I don't want you on those filthy streets any longer, it's a miracle you weren't raped or killed or kidnapped out there. No, I'm serious, (n/n), you're staying here, at least until you can afford your own place."

Your eyes tear up, and you look away from him. His voice softens immediately, "I know that it's a lit to take in, and I hope you don't feel forced bu-" You cut him off, hugging him closely. He's warm, his scent distinctly male. A small sob escapes you as his arms envelope you, and he rubs your back, "I'm gonna be late." You pull away, wiping your eyes and nodding, "Good luck at work." "Thanks, (n/n)."

He tosses you the key to the apartment, "I made you a spare when I ran to the grocery store earlier this morning." And with that, Craig's gone. You decided not to snoop around too much, but given that he's making you live here, you found it best to explore the layout. The living room, your current location, was where you decided to start. You fold the pull out bed back back into the couch, which is a deep blue color. While walking around, you find a bookcase next to the front door.

Every book on there is either about space, or cooking. On top of it are a few pictures, one of his whole family, another of a two girls in prom gowns, and one laying faced down. Your curiosity gets the better of you, and you lift it up. The man looks familiar, and when you read the name sprawled across the glass, you hum, "I love you, -Tweek Tweak". He hasn't changed much as far as appearance, you remembered the two boys baring in elementary, they seemed made for eachother.

Though why would this picture be faced down if they were? Obviously there's some drama. You put it back down gently, roaming more. You find that there's a house phone mounted on the wall next to the coat rack, and a tv  on a tv stand on the other side. A few more pictures are hung on the walls around the room, more of those girls, though a specific one shows them in wedding gowns kissing. A letter is framed next to it.

"Hey Craig, we're getting married! Who'd have thought that your little sister would be married before you! I hope that you will attend, I look forward to seeing you! It's at _________ on _______ ______." You smile, realizing that the picture was of his younger sister. She had grown into herself well. You laugh, finding a picture of Craig and his friends from their childhood also framed, and a collage of other memories and family members that he holds dear.

That was the most interesting thing about the living room. Now you wander into the kitchen, noting the sink full of dirty dishes. You'd wash those for him later. You search the cupboards and drawers, figuring out where he keeps everything. There's a finningroom table with four chairs, a laced table cloth on top. It's  croched, and looks handmade. You can't picture him sitting there making it, and assume it was a gift.

The floor is tiled, black and white, the walls also white. That seemed to be the theme; white and black. You check the fridge, just to get a look. It's tidy and organized, not cluttered at all. It seems that everything has its own designated spot. Bored with the kitchen already, you check the hall, there's four doors, two on each side, you pick the first one. You recognized it as the bathroom door.

The room is just as you remember, blue accents everywhere. It's small, but has enough room to serve its purpose. The counter is marble topped, decorated by a fancy toothbrush holder, folded towels, a hair brush, hair products, deodorant, and a few other things. You find more washcloths on a shelf, which is decorated with sea shells and such.

Two more rooms left. You go into the one across from the bathroom, finding that it's a laundry room. There's nothing particularly interesting about it, and you deem it as the most boring room in the house. You move to the next one, finding that it's mostly empty. There's a guitar on a stand in the corner, a spare mattress, a storage closet, and needless clutter. Upon checking the closet, you find a few boxes stacked up.

But you decide to respect his privacy, and don't touch them. The lad tone must be his room, and it's immaculately  decorated. The walls are painted to look like space, diy stars hang from the ceiling. He has a king sized bed, topped with a black bed set and white pillows. There are a couple stuffed animals on his bed, making you smile. There's a computer desk in the corner with a laptop on it, gaming headphones mounted on the wall next to it.

His dresser is next to the bed, and there's a closet with a body mirror facing it. You smile at your reflection, feeling a lot more comfortable in your skin. A sudden flicker catches your attention, and you notice a few shelves on the walls. One has a lava lamp, tiny stars embedded in the metal frame on the top. The others have more pictures, and a few space books that you assume are his favorite ones.

There's another shelf with comic books, very old ones that look hand drawn. "Super Craig: Justice Wins." Is the first title you see. You giggle, remembering playing superheros with all of the guys once. You decide to read all of them, and boy are there a lot. You stop when you hear the front door open, and his monotonous voice ring out, "I'm home." You put up the book, smiling and making your way to the living room.

"Didn't break anything, did you?"

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