Kyle x Cartman: Toxicity (part 1)

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(GUYS I KNOW THIS IS A VERY UNPOPULAR SHIP, BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT I AM SIMPLY TRYING TO ENTERTAIN EVERYONE. I don't want to be non-inclusive or close minded, if this ship bugs you much, please don't read it. This one specifically isn't going to be gushy romance, though.)

(Possible TW: cussing, violence, abuse, manipulation, blackmail, vulgar words)

I recall the memory, the day my life truly ended. That day, I had no idea of the treachery that I would endure; the amount of years that I would suffer.

I wake up to the sun shining through my window, bright and warm. I like mornings. A smile crosses my face as I smell my mother making breakfast. The smell combined with the warmth of the sunlight and my blankets is heavenly. Alas, I must get up. It's a Tuesday morning, only the third day of my senior year. I haven't been late once, and I'll be damned if I lose that streak.

The stairs groan as I scuttle down them, Ike is already seated at the table, along with my father. He must have off today, it'll be nice for him to spend some time with mom. She's seemed kinda lonely lately. Ike sees me, and rolls his eyes. He's become quite the bratty twelve year old. "What are you looking at, Ike?"

He sighs in irritation, "An ugly retard." I hear mom gasp, and I'm just as surprised. My father however, hides a snicker. Great, Ike is becoming an insensitive troll, just like dad. "WHAT WHAT WHAT!? WHAT DID YOU SAY, YOUNG MAN!?" Ike gives no reaction, finishing his food and running out of the door. Jeez. I sit down as she goes on and on about "kids these days", and eat my breakfast.

Once I've finished, I run upstairs and brush my teeth, hurriedly throwing on my coat and my hat, and leaving the house calmly. Once I'm outside though, I run to the bus stop to meet my friends, Stan, Kenny, and...well Cartman isn't really my friend. I still hate him, and he hates me. As it's ways been. They guys are standing there like every other morning, smiling and greeting me; except for the fatass.

"Hey, dude! I thought you were gonna be late!" I smile at Stan, my best friend since....well, since forever, really. Now that I've stilled, my face stings from the wind, hitting my face every chance it can get. It's cold, another typical thing here in South Park, Colorado. The bus arrives, and we bustle on, one by one.

Stan and I sit together, and Kenny and Cartman sit in the seat across from us. Cartman is...unusually quiet. He hasn't thrown the word Jew in my face, not once. Now that is peculiar. I try to shove the thought away, but it eats at me. What is he planning? I get so caught up in my thoughts that I don't even realize the bus has come to a stop; not until Stan nudges me out of the seat.

"Come on, dude! You okay?" I nod absent mindly, hopping off of the bus and back into the frigid air. My brain creates grotesque images of the horrible things the fatass could be up to, and for a moment I feel as if I'm going to be sick. We all split up and head to our respective classes, waving goodbye.

Once again no vulgar obscenity from Cartman; no wave either. I walk into the classroom, hoping whatever lesson we are learning will get him out of my head. Unfortunately, it doesn't. I have a very bad feeling that something is going to happen; and it won't be good. This isn't his typical behavior, even when he's up to no good.

This is something else entirely. Oh fuck, I have next period with him. The bell rings, and I dread getting up and going to the next period. Before I get in the room, I'm grabbed and yanked into the boys bathroom. My body falls to the floor, and I hear the door lock behind me. "W-what the!?" I stand up and turn to face the person; Cartman.

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