Clyde x Tolkien: Something About the Sky

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(Possible TW: cussing)

(So the whole class is pretty much going camping, they're in high-school. I did something similar with my class called Outdoor School, where we went out to a camp for like a week and did a bunch of nature stuff. It was pretty neat!)

Fluff (slight spice)

The bus ride had been an hour long, I didn't even want to go. The only reason I did is because I was told I'd be sharing a cabin with my friends. Tweek and Craig would be at it like rabbits, and me and Tolkien would do nothing. I've liked him since we were kids, but he's never seemed to reciprocate those feelings. He had said about liking Nicole multiple times, but to be fair she is pretty.

Not as pretty as him, though. He's really grown into an attractive man. Tall and fit, his hair grown out a little in those beautiful curls of his. His voice had gotten deeper, as did all of the guys's, but his was the best of all. It's smooth and inviting, I never get enough of him talking.

"-yde... clyde!" I snap out of my thoughts, blinking a few times. Great, now I look like an idiot. "Yeah? What's up?" He rolls his eyes with a smile, "Dude, we've been here for like ten minutes now. Get your shit and lets go." I feel my face heat up with more embarrassment, but brush it off and grab my bag. When I step out of the bus, I find the grounds to be quite busy; Students and counselors as far as the eye can see.

The paper had said that we were cabin number 5, and the little map showed us exactly where we'd have to go. Tolkien and I begin to job to the cabin, trying to meet up with the others. We get there to find it empty though, with a note on one of the bottom bunks of a bunk bed: "You guys took to long, we went to the lake. See you soon or whatever." It's Craig's writing. With the others gone, we get the last two empty beds.

Tolkien takes the top bunk, leaving me to set up on the bottom. I begin to put my clothes away in the two bottom drawers of the dresser that we would have to share, being more quick with putting away my boxers. Why did I pack the pink ones for this... I sigh, pushing that drawer shut with haste. "Pink, huh?" I jump, immediately looking up at him. He'd been watching me from his bunk the entire time.

" Guys can like pink. Pink shouldn't just be associated as a girl color." He puts his hands up defensively, cracking that heartstrings smile, "I didn't say anything otherwise." I huff in slight irritation, putting my sheets on the mattress. He climbs down,  flopping onto my bed with a groan. "Dude, I just made that..." He chuckles, rolling over to face me again.

"I'm so confused by you, Donovan." I tilt my head, crossing my arms, "What do you mean by that?" "You seem totally into me, but you don't ever do anything about it. I just don't understand. I've seen you checking me out before, I've certainly heard some rumors as well." My face gets hot, and I force myself to look away, "You say that like a part of you is hoping that I do."

His next words shake me to my core. "Maybe I was." In an instant, his arms are around my waist and he's hugging me from behind. His cologne is pungent, it always is. I squirm, but he holds me firmly in place. "So which is it, Clyde~?" His tone shifts, and immediately I feel myself becoming hard. Not now. No. Please not now... A cover my mouth as his thumb brushes against my hip, hashing the noise only slightly.

His breath is on the back of my neck for a moment, before he jerks away and turns around. I take a deep breath as I hear the cabin door open, and the chatter of Craig, Tweek, and Jimmy. I brush past them and make my way to the bathroom. Once I'm inside and sure that I'm alone, I relieve myself.

[Time skip: later that night]

I spent most of the day avoiding everyone, even Tolkien. We now all lay in the cabin, I'm the only one awake. Or so I thought. "Are you awake?" Tolkien whispers, and for a moment I consider ignoring him, but find that I cannot. "Yeah." There's a brief pause. "You wanna go for a walk or something?" We leave side by side in hoodies, using put flashlights to get around.

There's a trail that we follow, and it leads to the lake. The moonlight shimmers off of the water elegantly. The sky is pitch black, stars dotting it perfectly. The view almost takes my breath away. I feel his hand intertwine with mine, our fingers interlacing. We sit down on a fallen tree, my head on his shoulder. Neither of us speak for a long while, the sounds of nature providing all the noise we needed.

Though I lift my head up, and his gaze meets mine. He smiles in the darkness, cupping my face, "Would it be absolutely inhumane if I kissed you right now?" "Absolutely." I laugh softly, and his lips meet mine. They're as soft as I had imagined, maybe even a little softer. My eyes close, and I lean a little closer, wrapping an arm around him and deepening the kiss ever so slightly.

We pull away after a bit, a yawn escaping the both of us. He leads me back to the cabin, watching me curl up on my bunk. I'm surprised as I feel the mattress shift, and feel his arms around me. His head ticked securely between my neck and shoulder. "Something about that sky." He mumbles, and I almost can't make out the words. "What?" But his breath steadies, and I know he has fallen asleep. Things are finally looking up for me.

A Tyde request by dearangellacey (I will do more Tyde as another person has requested it I believe and I will do some smut work with them as well)


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