Red Rabbit

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I rocked the chair I was tied to back and forth, trying to knock it over.

This was not part of the plan. The chair finally clatteres to the ground, I groaned at the dull pain from the fall.

Now, to wiggle out and get the hell out of here.

"Is this your escape attempt?" Two men walked into the room.

"Pathetic." The man in a skull mask spoke, kicking the chair, causing me to hit back back against the floor.

"If you had been a few moments more, I would be long gone." I continued to fiddle with the rope tying me to the chair, hoping to get it undone before any damage was done.

"I don't doubt it." The other man was scruffy, pulled a chair in front of me and sat. "Now though, you're going to help us."

"Help you?" I scoffed. "No thanks."

"You will or my friend here is going to give you a helluva headache." The scruffy man pointed to the masked man.

"Oh I'm so scared." I rolled my eyes as masked dude yanked my chair upright. My body aches at the sudden motion.

"Ghost." The man nodded to the masked man.

The back of the masked man's hand met my face, hard. My ears began ringing and my face burned.

"You motherfucker!" I hissed as I spit out a little bit of blood forming in my mouth.

"You in the mood to help us now sweetheart?" The man sitting before removed his hat.

"Over my dead body." I'm a snitch.

"That can be arranged." The man before me stood up. "Take her out."

"Wait!" Fear filled me, this is not how I want to die.

The man paused at the door. "Yes?"

"Get fucked." The ropes slide off my hands as the knit came undo. I grabbed the chair slamming into the man named Ghost.

"Fuck!" The man at the door yelled as I grabbed the gun Ghost dropped.

"Told you I'd get free." I shot out the window and quickly ran to it.

A piercing pain filled my leg as I reached the window, a gun had gone off and it wasn't mine.

"Too slow." I fell to the floor, dragging myself to the window. I felt my collar getting yanked, the window becoming further and further away.

Like a rabbit in a trap, I was caught.

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