My Shadow

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((TW: Panic attack and PTSD portrayed.))

True to his word Ghost made it impossible to be alone with Colton. He was like my shadow.

"You really got under Ghost's skin." Soap sat next to me on the Couch.

Ghost stood watching from the kitchen.

"What do you mean?" I glanced around the room for Colton, I was determined to get alone with him just to piss off Ghost.

"He's never been this Possessive before."

"He's just pissed someone wants me for a change." I shrugged.

"I wonder why." Soap rolled his eyes as Colton walked in.

As if on cue Ghost began walking from the kitchen.

"Ghost, Soap, I need you two for a second. Harper, Y/N is in your care for a moment." Price called them to the conference room.

I couldn't help but laugh. What perfect timing.

"Looks like it's just us little lady." Colton sat beside me.

"Great!" I smiled. "Now I can completely piss Ghost off."

"How so?"

"He thinks you wanna sleep with me, he seems not to be fond of that idea." I laughed at the thought.

"I see." Colton laughed as well. "Sorry to disappoint him but I'm not interested in sleeping with you just being next you is enough for me."

"Awh." I patted his shoulder. "Thanks."

Sorry buddy, I'm not into you like that.

"But if you'd like to make him really mad, we can go hide in your room, make it look like somethin was done." Colton stood and held out his hand to me.

"You are officially my new best friend." I took his hand and we ran to my room giggling like school children.

-Few moments later.-

Colton and I were sitting in my room, Colton had his shirt unbuttoned and I purposely messed up my hair, waiting for Ghost to come find us.

"Do you think he's going to believe it?" I began messing up the bed.

"Yep, to the point I'm preparing for an ass beating." Colton helped.

"Y/N!" I heard Ghost yelling my name.

I almost laughed as Colton and I got into position. Colton stood pretending to button his shirt and I pretend to be fixing my clothes.

"Y/N!!" Ghost threw open the door, finding us. "The hell?!"

I jumped a little at how angry he was.

"What the fuck did I tell you?!" Ghost couldn't tell who to go after first.

"And what did I tell you?" I only poked the bear more.

"You, you have five seconds to start running." He turned his attention to Colton.

"I didn't know you were her dad." Colton took his time buttoning his shirt.

This caused Ghost to snap, he slugged Colton across the face."I gave you a fair warning!"

Colton stumbled back holding his face. "Dude hold on!"

"Ghost what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I jumped between the two men. Panick filling me.

All I could remember was how my brother would lose his cool and literally kill people who crossed him.

"I told you! I said stay away from him!"

Tears filled my eyes, and the world began to spin all too fast.

"Y/N?" Colton's voice sound distant, almost too far to hear.

"Y/N!" I felt arms around me as I sunk to the floor.

Breath, I kept repeating to myself. Everything seemed to blur together.

"Hey, hey." A hand waved in my face. "I'm sorry."

I blinked a couple times, still out of it.

"What did you do?" I think I heard Soap.

"He started getting Violent."

Violent, I flinched at the sudden movement of someone's hands.

"Please, I'm sorry." My voice came out cracked and scared.

"Hey it's okay." Ghost held my shaking body. "I'm the one whose sorry."

"It was all a joke dude." Colton shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Ghost helped me to my bed. I curled up, struggling to calm down.

"Just leave her be Ghost." Soap pushed Ghost aside. "Hey Y/N, you're safe."


"Take a deep breath with me." Soap took my hand placing it on his chest so I can feel him taking deep breaths. I tried to follow along.

"I don't know what your deal is but you better figure it out." Colton pushed past Ghost leaving the scene.

Ghost just stood there as I slowly came around.

"I'm okay," I was still shaking a little.

"I'm so sorry Y/N." Ghost seemed sincere. "I shouldn't have lost my cool."

All I did was nod.

"There you go." Soap patted my hand. "Easy now okay?"

I nodded again. "Thanks Soap."

"Don't mention it." Soap stood. "You fuck up again, I'll kick your ass." Soap left leaving Ghost and I alone.

"I didn't mean to trigger you." Ghost sat on the edge of my bed.

"I shouldn't have pulled a shitty joke." I shrugged, trying to steady my breathing.

"I shouldn't have gotten so pissed at thinking you were with him." Ghost pulled at his fingers.

"It's okay. I get it. You rather not have distracted Soliders." I clung to the safety of my blanket.

"Y/N..." Ghost's voice became soft, only for a second. "That's... Yeah."

"Sorry." I hugged my knees.

"Don't be."

The room fell silent.

"I still don't get why you punched him." If he was mad that I was being a distraction why hit him?

"I don't know." Ghost shrugged. "Bad temper I guess."

"Oh." What was I expecting? He hit him cause he was jealous?

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