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"Shush." Ghost covered my mouth as we crept around in the dark. "The last thing we want to do is get caught sneaking off."

I Tried my best to conceal my giggles as Ghost and I made our way through the snow. "Sorry."

Ghost led me through the dark to an old abandoned home, it was slowly falling apart, the door barely hanging on its hinges. 

"So romantic." I elbowed him as we made our way inside.

"It's either this or hiding under the covers with Soap right next to us." Ghost set down the bag he was carrying. "Hold this." He handed me his flashlight.

I felt my face flush, as I took it from him. Price was going to be pissed once he found out we went AWOL for a bit. Ghost laid out blankets and started a small fire.

"This should keep us somewhat warm, not like we're going to need it." Ghost chuckled.

This only made my face turn redder. This wasn't the most ideal circumstance but we had to make due with what we had.

"Now come here." Ghost sat on the blankets, removing his mask and patting his lap.

My mind turned to mush as I sat on his lap. I was being silly, it wasn't the first time I had been with a man but this was Simon. He wasn't just a man, he was the love of my life. I mean I think he is. 

"Good girl." Ghost pulled me close, nuzzling his face into my neck, giving it little pecks here and there.

I felt my heart take off speeding. There were no interruptions this time, no one to walk in on us. I wondered how far Simon would let us go tonight. 

"I can feel your heart racing." Ghost hand slid over my chest and my breath hitched.

"Oh shut up perv." I stumbled over my words.

"I'll show you a perv." Ghost grabbed my breast and gave it a little squeeze causing me to squeak. "My little mouse."

I felt my face going completely red, if he noticed I'd just blame it on the fire. Ghost turned me around to face him. 

"Is my little mouse embarrassed?" 

I huffed. "Go fuck yourself."

"I rather fuck you." I found myself on my back, pinned underneath him.

I found my mind blanking as I stared up at him. His lips found mine and I couldn't hide my desperation. He chuckled against my lips as if he could sense it. 

It didn't take long before our clothes were on the floor around us, the air was cold but I didn't care. His skin against mine seemed to chase the cold away.

"Such a pretty girl." Ghost ran his fingertips down my body. My body shivered at his touch. his fingers finding my clit. I gasped as his fingers played with it. His finger slid down, tracing my opening. I bit my lip with anticipation.  His fingers entered and I moaned. 

Ghost's lip found my neck, moving his fingers within me. "Naughty girl." He nipped my neck.

"Shut up." I moaned as he moved his fingers faster.

"Last time I checked I was in charge," I whined as he removed his fingers, positioning himself. 

I watched him as he pushed his length in, causing more moans to escape my lips. "Fuck.~"

"Now take it like a good girl." Ghost moved his hips in a rhythm, causing more moans.

We both became panting messes within minutes, I was getting closer and closer to climaxing. 

"Just a little while longer baby, please." Ghost groaned as my body tensed. 

"I can't!" I moaned as my body released.

"Fuck!" I felt warmth fill me as Ghost's body collapsed against mine. 

We both laid there for a moment before we both jumped to the sound of footsteps outside.

The sound of Russians speaking made my blood run cold. Ghost and I quickly got dressed and kicked dirt over the fire, praying it would die out before it was noticed.  

"Stay quiet." Ghost pulled me into the dark as he loaded his handgun.  

I held my breath as the footsteps grew nearer and two Russians entered the building. I felt panic fill my body. Who knew how many there were and why are they so close to camp? DId they find the others?

Ghost looked to me and slide me a knife. I understood what he was saying, I nodded and we both sprung into action taking out the two men quickly.

"We need to run!" Ghost grabbed my hand and we took off running through the snow, praying no one followed. Back at base Soap and Roach were on watch.

"Russians!" I struggled to catch my breath.

"What?" Soap looked confused.

"Russians, maybe a mile out from here." Ghost didn't waste time gearing up.

"Fuck." Roach went and woke up everyone else.

"How many?" Soap looked out into the darkness.

"Where the hell were you two?" Price came out of his tent.

"Doesn't matter." Ghost dismissed the question. 

"We don't know how many," I answered Soap.

"Damn it. Do we have time to run?" Price began giving men orders.

"No." I shook my head, grabbing up my own gear. 

"Did they see you all?" Price was clearly pissed at us.

"Well we killed two of them so I would think so." Ghost finished strapping on his gear.

"You had one job! stay put!" Price shook his head at us. "Now you might have fucked us all!"

I wanted to apologize but the sound of men running through the dark brought everyone's attention to the darkness.


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