Just an asset

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A week into our deployment I received my second threat from my brother's men. It made it clear they were watching me, waiting to take me down. I informed the group as I felt their lives might be endangered, they took this surprisingly well and felt like it was a possibility from the start. Security became tight around me, Ghost keeping me close by at all times.

"Get down!" Ghost yanked my behind cover as hostile moved past. The rain was coming down hard making it hard to see anything.

We continued to move on to our target. One foot in the door, I felt someone hit me hard with their gun causing me to drop my weapon and fall to my knees.

"Y/N!" I heard Ghost call out to me as the door slammed shut and was barricaded.

"You come in, we shoot her!" A familiar voice, one of my brother's close men.

"Y/N!!" Ghost sounded panicked.

"Raymond." I sighed, I had been caught and now I was as good as dead.

"Restrain her." two other men tied me to a chair.

"Y/N, I'm not here to hurt you." the words that left his mouth surprised me.

"Sure doesn't seem that way."

"I couldn't risk you attacking or it not being you."

"Y/N!! I'll kill you bastards!!" Ghost banged on the door.

"I'm here with a warning. Your brother is plotting something big, he's planning an attack on the states." Raymond gestured for me to be untied. "Now get before your Mutt looses it."

Raymond gestured for his men to make their exit, once I was alone I let Ghost in.

"You're okay?!" Ghost grabbed searching for wounds.

"Yeah, turned out to be some old friends. Let's finish this mission, I got a new lead."

With that we completed our mission, I informed them of the attack and we returned home for a little while. Ghost never leaving me for moment since the mission.

"He's never going to leave you alone again is he?" Colton sat next to me on the couch, Ghost sitting in the corner watching everything.

"Nope." I sighed. "I don't blame him, probably thinks I'm going to join the Russians again."

"Or maybe he cares about you." Soap flopped his body on the back of the couch.

"Doubt it, I mean he literally told everyone about me getting drunk and saying shit." I was still pissed about that.

"Y/N he was terrified that you were almost caught. Open your eyes." Soap rolled his eyes before straighting up. "Watch. I'm taking Y/N out!"

Soap pulled me from the couch and Ghost was on his feet in moments.

"Where are you going?" Ghost stood in front of us, blocking the way.

"Out. Does it matter?" Soap pushed past him and pulled me along.

"She's going nowhere unless I'm with her." Ghost pulled me back.

"But she's safe with just me." Soap pulled me to him and a game of tugwar broke out.

"Like hell she is. You let her get shit faced drunk." Ghost finally yanked me against his chest, shielding me from Soap.

"See what I mean?" Soap chuckled. "No one's trying to steal your girl Simon. Calm down."

"Speak for yourself!" Colton yelled from the couch, this won him a glare from Ghost.

"She's not my girl, she's an asset that needs to under constant watch." Ghost pushed me away from him.

I huffed, this was not the type of manhandling I was into.

"Then I can take her out. She would be under constant watch." Colton jumped over the couch and grabbed my hand.

Ghost jaw clenched and he crossed his arms. "Fine, but I'm still going with."

I felt a little too happy with his words, why do I keep hoping he's into me?


"No buts, she's my assignment." Ghost interrupted him.

"Fine I guess." Colton turned his attention to me, clearly disappointed. "Wanna go to the Aquarium? Be a nice break from all this."

"Sure!" I was just happy that it seemed Ghost cared just a little.

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