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From the dark can about ten Russians, we all took cover as a firefight broke out between us. In the end, we were able to take out the ten men, losing some of our men in the process. 

"This is all your fault!" Price was chewing out Ghost as we tended to the wounded.

Ghost stood there saying nothing. I knew I should be getting yelled at to as it was also my fault but Ghost wouldn't let me take any of the blame. I thought back to that moment, heat rising in my cheeks, it was perfect until the goddamn Russians ruined it. 

"You all fucked up." Soap kicked a Russian's body.

"I know." I finished bandaging one of our men. 

"You Cost Lives Ghost!" Price's words caused me to wince. He was right, we did lose some valued men because of this. "Whatever you have going on with Y/n, end it. Save it for after the War."

"Is that an order sir?" Ghost glanced over at me, my heart sinking. We just got together, now this? 

"Yes. For now." Price looked to me. "I'm sorry, but we are too close to ending this war for mess-ups."

I nodded, my heart sinking even more. 

"Understood." With that Ghost began dragging bodies out of camp and into a pile. 

We were forced to move campsites once more, praying that no more Russians would find us. Ghost had begun to avoid me, barely saying a word to me. I knew it was an order but it still hurt. I was ready to get this all over with. 

"We need to move in on him  now before they move him again." We were making plans to return to the States. 

"It's going to be hell getting over there." Soap shook his head.

"That's why we have Nickoli." Price nodded to our little chopper. "Only a few of us are going on this trip."

"Well, Which of us are going?" He better include me, it's my brother after all.

"Ghost, Y/n, Soap, and I will be going. The rest of you will wait here. If we succeed then we'll send for you. If not well the world has ended." 

That night we sat around preparing for the morning to come.  

"Y/n." Ghost entered my tent.

"Don't let Price catch you  in here." I was beginning to be unfair to him. It was both our fault that this happened.,

"Fuck Price." Ghost made his way over to me, pulling me into his arms. 

"You're disobeying orders." I didn't even attempt to push him away. 

"Oh well." Ghost rested his head on mine. "We're ending this all tomorrow anyway." 

"Yeah." The room fell quiet. "Simon?"


"Don't die." 

"Same goes for you."

"I can't make any promises." 

"Neither can I." Ghost held me tighter. 

We stood there, soaking in the moment as it might be our last. This mission was nothing short of a suicide mission. If we didn't succeed then that was it. The world would fall to Russia and my deranged brother.

That night, against orders Ghost stayed with me, Price was unhappy about it but understood that this may be the last moment we had together.  The morning came and I dreaded every moment of gearing up. 

"Hey, Don't die on us now." Roach gave my arm a little squeeze.

"See ya on the other side."  Gaz waved us off as we boarded the Chopper.

"Kick some Russian Ass!" Colton yelled as we took off. 

The flight back to the States was horrible. The war had left behind so much destruction. Once we landed we wasted no time breaching the building and making our way to my brother. The closer we got the further into the building he went, trying to make an escape from the roof. 

The building shook as we made our way through its damaged hall, closing in on my brother. 

"There's the fucking bastard." My brother came into view, he began firing at us.

"This fucker." Soap fell as the building shook even more.

"Y/n." Ghost looked at me from behind cover. "I'll cover you."

I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. I took off running towards my brother, Ghost covering me with gunfire.  We were moments away from ending this and it all rested with me. I had to be the one to kill my brother. I cornered my brother as his ammo ran out.

"Y/N! Dear sister!" Makarov's smile was sickening.

"I'm not your sister. Not anymore." I clenched my jaw. Could I really kill him?

"Oh so cold." He chuckled as I pulled my gun. 

He wasted no time in tackling me, knocking the gun away from me. A fistfight ensued, he gained the upper hand. 

"All you had to do was be loyal. Was that too much to ask?" He slammed my head on the ground.

"Y/N!" I heard Ghost yelling my name in the distance. 

 "Go to hell!" I spit the blood pooling in my mouth, I fumbled with my knife pocket. I just had to hold out until help arrived.

"The only one going to hell is you." I could feel myself blacking out from the head trauma.

I managed to pull my knife free, in one quick motion I stabbed my brother in the leg. He yelled, falling off of me. I took this moment to stumble to my feet.

"You bitch, I should have just killed you when I had the chance." My brother ran at me with the knife as a shot rang out, he slumped to the ground.

"I told you I got you covered." I turned to see Ghost standing there.

I smiled, feeling the ground underneath me move. My body hit the ground as I blacked out.

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