Catching Feelings

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"God damnit slow down!" Ghost barked into the radio as I maneuvered through the building, almost undetected.

"Give me two seconds and I'll have what you want." I slipped out of view.

"No, get back here now!"

I ignored him as I slipped into the room, taking out two guards who were oblivious to my presence. Ghost kicked in the door as I searched through drawers and shelves.

"It should be here somewhere." I continued my search for the hard drive.

"When I say come back, I mean come back." Ghost grabbed me, turning me to face him.

"I'm sorry but you were moving too slow."

"What if you had been made huh? It would have fucked the whole mission." Ghost moved closer, my body being pinned between him and the desk.

"I'm too smart to get caught." I swallowed hard feeling his body against mine.

"Yet you got caught by us." Ghost grabbed my face. "You need to listen, got it mutt?"

I nodded, my heart pounding.

"I said got it mutt?" Ghost squeezed my face harder.

"Yes sir." My voice came out as a squeak.

"Good girl." Ghost let go of my face and grabbed something behind me.

"Got it Captain, returning now." Ghost shoved the hard drive into his pocket. "Let's go."

I huffed and we made our way to the Exfil site to return to base camp.

Back at Camp.

"Nice work." Price ruffled my hair.

"Thanks." I beamed, I wasn't used to being praised for my work.

"Not nice work, she disobeyed every order I gave her." Ghost settled on some crates.

"Well it got the job done, and once again her Intel we spot on." Price gave my hair one last ruffle before making his way into the command tent.

"Hey Lieutenant!" A female soldier jogged over.

"Yes?" Ghost Made no move to stand.

"Some of us were throwing a little get together to celebrate another successful mission. We were wondering if you wanted to come." She smiled at him, almost bating her eyes.

I wanted to gag at how hard she was trying. I don't have to work that hard for his attention. That thought caused me to smile.

"Sure." Ghost payed her little attention.

"Okay, it starts at ten in the quarter tent." She was damn near bouncing as she walked away.

"She's desperate." I gaged.

"Hm?" Ghost looked over at me.

"She's desperate for you." I pretend to Gag again. "She's reaks of desperation."

"Mhm." Ghost seemed to have something on his mind.

"Well you have fun tonight." I got up to make my way to our tents.

"You're coming too mutt. Remember? 24/7." Ghost stood up and brushed by me.

My breath hitched as his skin met mine.

God damn this man.

That night.

"Why did he bring her?" A group of female soldiers stood around talking shit.

"Y/N!" Soap put his arm around me, pulling me into the group.

I looked to Ghost for help, but he was already deep in conversation with the female soldier from earlier.

I huffed, it irked me when others got his attention. Maybe I had a crush on him, nah.

"This is Y/N." Soap introduce me to his small group. "Y/N this is Gavin, Xander, you already know Gaz and Roach ."

I smiled and waved, losing sight of Ghost.

The night went on and soon we were all exhausted calling it a night. Ghost was no where to be found so Soap and I walked to our tent.

"I wonder where Ghost went." I stripped down to my undershirt and pants.

"Probably dicking down some chick." Soap shrugged as he settled into his cot.

"Ew." The thought of him doing that kind of pissed me off.

Okay, maybe I did like him.

"What's ew?" Ghost walked into the tent.

"You." I felt pissy seeing his face.

"Why am I ew?" Ghost threw his things down on his cot, stripping of his T-shirt.

I quickly looked away. "Because you are!" I threw myself onto my cot and buried my face into it.

"You're not far from ew yourself." I kept my face buried, refusing to look at him.

"I think she's upset you abandoned her tonight." Soap yawned.

"Sorry, I had things to attend to." I peeked as Ghost pulled on another shirt.

"Careful Ghost, you tend to fuck the crazy ones."

Ghost shrugged and laid on his cot. "Get some sleep, we leave out tomorrow."

I huffed and buried my face into my cot once more.


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