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Days passed and I was proving to be useful to the team.

"Good morning Y/N." Price greeted me as he walked into the kitchen.

I was sitting at the table nursing a cup of coffee. Sleep had been alluding me each night making me exhausted.

"Morning." I laid my head on the table.

"You feeling okay?" Price sat across from me with his own coffee.

"Mhm." I could barely nod.

"Head up." I heard Ghost enter the room. I lifted my head, it feeling heavy.

"You look like shit." Ghost looked me over.

"I think she's coming down with something." Price felt my forehead.

"Gross." Ghost sighed. "I guess you can go back to bed."

"I'm fine." Even if I did stayed in bed, sleep wouldn't come.

"Not sleeping?" Ghost placed his hand on my head, an oddly comforting gesture.

"Really, I'm fine." I lifted my head to look at him.

For a moment our eyes locked and it was like he understood for moment what was going on.

"Hang here a minute." Ghost left the room and came back holding out two pills to me. "Take these and go lay down."

I opened my mouth to protest.

"Take them or I'll shove them down your throat myself." Ghost dropped them into my hand.

"Yes sir." I rolled my eyes, taking the pills.

"Now go rest." Ghost watched me as I made my way to our room, I curled up in bed waiting for the meds to kick in.

The next thing I knew I was waking up, confused when I had fallen asleep.

"Sleep well?" Ghost stood by his bed pulling on a T-shirt.

I rubbed my eyes. "Yeah. Thanks."

"Can't have you falling asleep on missions." Ghost grabbed a black leather jacket from the back of his chair.

"Where ya going?"

"Out, Gaz is going to watch you."

"Oh." There was a small amount of disappointment in my voice.

"Don't act so disappointed." Ghost let out what sounded like a chuckle.

"I'm not! I'm glad to finally be free of you, even for a night." I stretched.

"Likewise." Ghost walked to the door. "Behave, mutt."

He left before I could argue with him. Stupid ass motherfucker!

I looked around the room, part of me was curious of where he went, another part of me wanted to know who Ghost really was.

I climbed from bed, walking to his side of the room. Maybe just a little looksy.

I began looking over things on his desk. Random papers, a sticky note with a number from the girls at the bar. Maybe that's where he went.

I pouted a little at that thought. I continued to search through his things.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at Ghost's voice.

"Uh.. " I was caught red handed.

"What did I say about going through my stuff?" Ghost yanked me around, holding my hands above my head.

"Not to." I swallowed hard as my eyes met his.

"Right, now why were you touching shit?"

"Just curious." I answered honestly.

"About?" He sounded pissed.


"Me?" His grip tightened on my arms.

"I mean you don't talk about yourself much. I just wanted to know."

"Mind your own damn business and stay the hell out of my things " He let me go and grabbed his keys before storming out.

I huffed before going to find Gaz.

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