New recruit

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((I know, I know this new character is not accurate to the COD storyline but it's for the plot!))

"This is Colton Harper, he'll be working with us for a short period of time." Price introduced to the man in front of us. He was tall, dirty blonde

"Howdy." He smiled and gave a little wave, he had a deep southern accent.

"I already don't like him." Soap sized the man up.

"You're just mad he has more charm than you." I teased.

"Y/N, why don't you show our new recruit around?" Price offered.

"I'm allowed to do that?" I looked at Ghost.

"Of course. I think you've earned a break from Ghost." Price waved us off.

"Yes!" I fist pumped the air and showed Colton out. "This way!"

"May I ask what that was all about?" Colton took a good look at me.

"I'm kind of a Prisoner, didn't Price inform you?"

"He did, didn't think they'd be so light with you."

"It's taken awhile." I shrugged. "This is the kitchen, help yourself to anything."

"I see." Colton continued with questions. "The masked fellow, he always wears that?"

I nodded, showing him to the quarters. "Yeah, part of his path or something. His nickname is Ghost. Don't ask what his real name is, he gets testy about it."

"Mm, sounds real fun."

"Oh he is." I rolled my eyes. "So what brings you to the 141?"

"Reassignment from my special force unit. Thought I'd be more useful here."

"Well welcome, even though I'm an unofficial member."

Colton chuckled and I continued to show him around.

-Couple weeks later-

"Can I go pleeeeassseee?" I whined.

"I don't see why not. Captain?" Colton turned to Price.

"You said I had to be under 24/7 watch, well Sargent Harper is a part of the team now, he can watch me!" I bounced on my toes.

"That is true." Price thought for a moment. "I still want Ghost going with you."

"Understandable." Colton held open the door to me. "After you milady."

I giggled and bounded out the door.

-Moments later.-

"Why the fucking Zoo?" Ghost grumbled the whole time.

"I don't know, figured the lady could get out some." Colton paid for our tickets.

"She gets out plenty." Ghost rolled his eyes.

"I do not!" I slipped my arm into Colton's. "They keep me hidden away most of the time!"

"Ive seen that." Colton chuckled.

I could feel Ghost glaring into the back of my head. I looked over my shoulder and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Damn mutt." Ghost grabbed my pants loop and pulled me back to him. "Stay with me."

"Hey!" I huffed.

"Easy with the lady now Ghost." Colton looked a little disappointed.

"She's no lady." Ghost kept a hold of my pants loop. "she's my mutt."

"See, he's awful to me!" I pouted.

"I see." Colton fell in step next to me. "Here, I'll walk next to ya."

I smiled and we walked on.

"Oh my God! Look monkeys!!" I squealed running up to the glass.

"I didn't know we were visiting your family." Ghost stood next to me, watching me.

"Oh shut up." I huffed but turned my attention back to the monkeys. "Colton look!"

"I see." He chuckled and stood behind me.

"They're so cute!"

"Not as cute as you little lady." Colton's hand rest on my waist.

Part of me wanted to pull away from him but another part of me was quite enjoying the attention. I glanced at Ghost who was glaring at Colton.

"Let's move on." Ghost yanked me away, almost dragging me along to the next animal.

"It's a hippo!" I pressed my face against the glass. Once again Colton stood behind me, Ghost seemed to be in a bad mood now.

The day continued on, Ghost kept his hands on me now, pulling me along.

"Giraffes!" I leaned on the rail watching the giraffes munch on leaves. This time Ghost was behind me, keeping his body almost against mine. I tried to focus on the animals but it was getting pretty hard to.


"Well I had a wonderful time! Next we should go to an aquarium!" I hugged Colton. "Thanks!"

"Of course, you deserve days out too." Colton hugged me back, lingering his arms around me.

"We'll keep that in mind." Ghost yanked me from Colton. "Why don't you go shower? You're starting to smell like the monkeys."

I rolled my eyes but did as I was told. Something was up with him today and the last thing I wanted to was make him mad.

After my shower I went to our room, I just sat on the bed exhausted from the day.

"Don't ever be alone with Harper." Ghost came into the room slamming the door.

"What? Why?" I was confused.

"He just wants into your pants." Ghost stripped his shirt off without warning.

I glanced away. "So what?"

"It's not appropriate to have relationships among coworkers." Ghost sat on his bed.

"Last I checked I'm just a prisoner."

"Even worse." Ghost stared me down. "Now promise me you won't be alone with him."

"No." I stared him down.

"No?" Ghost was on his feet, hovering near my bed.

"Yeah, No. If you can fuck coworkers so can I!" I recalled the multiple times Ghost went off with female soldiers we were deployed with.

"Like hell you can." I jumped to my feet, squaring off with him.

"You can't stop me!" His scent of cologne and outside was strong.

"I can and I will." Ghost and I were now standing inches apart.

"Uh huh sure." Now we're we're touching.

"You're my mutt." Ghost shoved me down. "Now stay the fuck away from Harper."

I struggled for words, my heart took of racing as he stood over me. Part of me just wanted to say yes sir, but the defiant side won out.

"Thanks but nah." I looked up at him, his face being almost impossible to read.

Ghost clenched his jaw, grabbed a shirt and stormed from the room.

Little bitch.

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