Old friends

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"Alisa!" I hugged the young woman waiting for us at our new location.

Alisa was an old friend, she and I underwent hell together in our early years. She eventually became a rebel working against my brother.

"Y/n! Thank god you're alive! I heard you had been captured!" She hugged me back, then looked at the men behind me.

"Alisa, this is Price, Gaz, Colton, Roach, Ghost and Soap." I introduced them. "They're my team."

"Nice to meet you all." She gave a little wave before leading us inside. "If you need anything else let me know, I'll be back in the morning with more weaponry."

Alisa made her exit and we all settled in.

"I'll take the first watch." I offered, knowing I wouldn't be able to sleep.

"I'll take it with you." Colton jumped at the chance.

I internally groaned as Price okayed it. I looked at Ghost mouthing the words kill me to him.

He chuckled and shook his head.

I sat in the cool night air, every little noise causing me to jump.

"You okay Y/n? You've been avoiding me." Colton sat next to me.

"I told you to fuck off a year ago." I huffed.

Colton looked down a bit upset. "Well, that was a year ago. I figured maybe you'd changed your mind."

"I've been in hell for the last year, I'm sorry that I didn't have time to think about boys."

"Sorry." Colton went quiet and I felt a little bad but he was starting to annoy me.

"Room for one more?" Ghost's voice caused me to jump to my feet pointing my gun at him.

"Woah, hey it's just me." Ghost put his hands up.

"What do you need Ghost?" Colton was pretty much pouting.

"Just wanted to make sure everything was good out here." Ghost gestured for Colton to move. "Clearly it's not."

Reluctantly Colton did and Ghost moved next to me. "Y/n, why don't you call it okay? I'll take a watch with fuck face here."

I shook my head. "I'm fine."

"Then I'll stay with you. Colton, you're relieved." Ghost gestured for Colton to leave.

Colton opened his mouth to protest but one glare from Ghost and he left.

"Ghost, I'm fine." I pulled my weapon close.

"We both know you don't want to be on watch with that ass." Ghost leaned back in his chair.

The air fell silent, we just sat there. I enjoyed his company and despite it being a year, I still felt for him. He was the reason I made it through all the torture I did, why I didn't give up.

"We're here to relieve you." Soon Roach and Soap came out.

"Alright." Ghost and I headed back into our cots.

Before I could say anything Ghost was pushing our cots together.

"What are you doing?" I just stared at him.

"I figured you needed me again." He climbed into the cots.

He wasn't wrong, it helped to have him there. It didn't completely take away the nightmares but it was a start. I took off my gear and climbed in next to him. without hesitation his arms were around me, pulling me into him.

"Sleep tight, little bug."

The next morning.

"Sleep well?" Ghost asked me after I finally had woken.

I shrugged. "As well as I can being a fugitive and all."

"For now we're going to stay hunkered down." Price rubbed his face, he looked beyond tired.

"Sounds like a plan. We don't really have many resources or information to go out and take on Russia." Soap brushed dust off the counters.

We all agreed, I went outside to wait for Alisa to come with more supplies.

"Hey!" Alisa waved for the truck pulling up. "I bring goods."

"Thank you." Seeing her face made things better.

"Of course. You've done the same before." Alisa ordered her men to unload the truck.

It was true, I had helped her run from my brother when she became a rebel. It was unknown who had helped her escape to his men and him.

"Well you have lots to catch me up on!" She grabbed my arm leading me inside.

With that I told her everything from being captured by the 141, the adventures, Ghost, everything.

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