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"Start talking." The man known now as Price was sitting in front of me.

For a few weeks now I was being held at their compound. They we're trying their best to get me to talk, their humane torture failing.

"I've been talking." I continued to ramble off useless information.

"Something useful!" A man name Soap seemed greatly irritated.

"It's useful to someone." I shifted in my restraints.

"We're getting no where." Price sighed and I smiled at their frustration.

"We're being too easy on her." Ghost cracked his knuckles. "Give me the go ahead and I'll get her talking."

"No. We need her alive." Price shook his head.

"She'll be alive, just begging to be dead." I swallowed hard at his words.

"Once again no. She'll crack eventually. Everyone does." Price left my cell, Soap following behind him. Leaving just the masked man and me.

"I'm not going to crack. I've suffered worse." I rocked the chair I was in. "So much worse."

Ghost just glared at me through his mask. He took my restraints off and locked my cell, leaving me to the darkness and quiet.

The cell became eerie as I sat alone. I sat on the rickety bed, it creaking from my weight.

I had gotten myself into a serious mess. My brother's probably pissed right now. Word has most likely gotten to him that I've been taking prisoner of the US army.

I hugged my knees to me. Maybe I could give them just a little information. No! What am I thinking. I need to stay strong!

I sighed as light filled the room once more.

"Food." Ghost pushed a tray through the bars.

I made no move for it. I wasn't hungry. Maybe if I starve myself they'll give me an escape opportunity.

"Or not. Starve to death. Makes no difference to us." Ghost watched me. I could guess what he was thinking. I looked pathetic.

"We both know Captain John Price is too good of a man to let that happen." I dug through what little info I had on them in my brain.

"I am on the other hand am not."

"So scary." I rolled my eyes, uncurling myself and walking over to the bars. "You don't scare me. Not one bit."

Ghost's hands found my throat from behind the bars. "You are so lucky that Price has morals. I'd snap you like a twig given the chance."

I smirked as he squeezed my throat. "Do it, I dare you."

Ghost let go, refusing to take the bait. "You're not worth the court martial."

I huffed and slinked back to my bed as he left.

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