Put em up

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Once the mission was complete we returned home without any incident. I spent most of my days on edge, knowing any minute my brother's men could come after me. I mean they knew where I was for fucksakes. 

"You need to move faster!" I struggled to catch my breath as another hit landed.

"I'm trying." I panted, grappling with another female recruit.

"Focus!" I glared at Ghost, He had been drilling me in combat ever since we returned from our last mission. His excuse was he wanted to make sure I was good enough to continue with missions but part of me knew it was to give me a fighting chance.

"Damn it!" The other female threw me to the ground, exhaustion taking over me.

"Again!" Ghost had grown frustrated.

"Ghost she's been at this for days, give her a break." Soap jumped in to help me.

"And until she can get it right we'll keep doing this." 

"She needs a break." Soap helped me to my feet. "She's exhausted."

"Fine." Ghost threw up his hands. "But if she gets us killed one day that's on you all. I tried."

"Y/N why don't you go shower." Soap shooed me away.

I began walking towards the bathroom but stopped to eavesdrop for a moment.

"Ghost, you need to a minute." I heard Soap say. "You're letting it get to your head again."

"I can't help it. She tends to get under my skin." Ghost sighed.

Me? Under his skin? What does he mean by that?

"I know, and I know you want to keep her safe but this is just going to push her away and to exhaustion."

"I know."

I continued to the bathroom. I turned the shower on, letting the hot water steam up the bathroom before stepping in and taking a long ass shower. Once I was dried off and dressed I returned to the training room.

"All better." I was tired but I knew it was important to Ghost, clearly, it was upsetting him that I was lacking in hand-to-hand combat. I was good with intel, sneaking around, and firearms, hand to hand not so much.

"Let's just call it a day." Ghost waved me away.

"One more time, please? Hell, I'll even take Soap as my partner." I wrapped my hands back up.

"Fine, but you have to take me." Ghost pulled off his shirt, leaving his bare skin exposed.

Fuck...How am I supposed to focus on kicking his ass if I'm thinking about how I want him to rail me?

"Oh, this is going to be good." Soap pulled up a metal chair.

"Okay, that's easy." I squared up with Ghost as we began circling each other.

"Your move first." Ghost waved for me to come at him.

I took the first swing only for him to grab my wrist, twisting it behind me with ease.

"Damnit!" I threw back my head, headbutting him.

"Fuck!" He stumbled, letting my arm go.

"Go Y/N!" Soap cheered on, catching the attention of Roach and Colton who were passing. 

"What's going on in here?" Roach and Colton found themselves in the room.

"Y/N kicking Ghost's ass." Soap leaned forward in his chair, and the other joined on the floor.

Ghost went for my leg as I slid just out of his reach. I needed to keep some distance between us and move quickly to avoid him. Ghost moved in closing the space between us, he lunged at me and my knee met his stomach. Ghost grunted as the air left his lungs, kneeling over. I took this moment to put him into a chokehold.

"Damn Y/N!" Roach joined in on the cheering.

I tightened my chokehold on Ghost. "All you have to do is tap out."

"You wish." Ghost struggled for air as he grabbed my legs, slamming my body to the ground, causing me to let go.

I gasped for air as it was knocked from my lungs. Ghost stood over me. "You got cocky." He held out his hand to me. I took this moment to kick his leg out, causing him to fall on his back, I quickly straddled him, putting him in another chokehold.

"And you let your guard down, I didn't tap out. Motherfucker." I smiled proudly as Ghost tapped out, I released my hold, still sitting on him. I resisted the urge to run my hands over his torso. 

"You got me there. For someone who is tired, you still have some fight." Ghost just stared up at me.

"I'm learning from one of the best." I smiled down at him.

We stayed like that for a moment, just staring at each other, a smile on my face, what I took for a smile sitting behind his mask. Thoughts of taking his mask and kissing him played through my mind, I wondered how he'd react.

"You two going to make out or what?" Soap broke the tension.

"What?" Ghost finally looked away, pushing me off of him. I pouted a little but quickly wiped it from my face. The last thing I wanted was for him to think I was disappointed.

"I swear you two were about to make out." Soap stood from his chair, chuckling. 

"There was a lot of sexual tension for sure," Roach added in.

Colton just stood there quietly, looking a bit disappointed.

"There's nothing between us, maybe just mild annoyance." Ghost pulled his shirt back on.

Right. I forget he doesn't see me as more than just a job for him.

"Uh-huh, sure." Soap teased and I silently slipped for the room.

I'm an idiot, falling for him is nothing but trouble. 

"You're into him huh?" Colton stopped me in the hall. "The look on your face gave it all away."

I just shrugged. "Doesn't matter. He isn't interested."

"So I still stand a chance?" Colton looked hopeful. 

I felt bad for what I said next. "Sorry, Not even a close second." 

"Oh." Colton went quiet. "Alright then. See ya around." He gave a small wave and walked the other way. 

I felt a little bad but the last thing I wanted was him waiting for something that would never happen. 

"Where's Simon?" I heard a female ask from the common area. 

Simon? Barely anyone called Ghost that unless they were close to him. 

"Down there." Price answered her.

The female soldier from some missions ago came walking down the hall, I had seen her a couple of times since then but thought nothing of her.

"Simon!" She called.

"Oh shit, it's Kara." I heard Soap curse under his breath and Ghost groan. 

I almost laughed at how unenthused they sounded.

"Kara?" Ghost exited the training room. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I'd come to say hi and see if you wanted to go out for drinks." Kara batted her eyes. I made a gagging face, causing Soap to laugh behind Ghost.

"I can't, I'm on Y/N duty." Ghost pointed to me over her shoulder, I waved.

"Oh, Well I guess she can come too, Soap as well if he wants." She seemed disappointed.

"I'm game." Soap didn't hesitate to answer.

"I guess it's a date then." 

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