Druken Confession

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I played with the hem of my dress, staring myself down in the mirror.  My (Your hair color.) was loose around my face, I had attempted to do makeup which took way longer than I would have thought. I wore (color) heels and a (Fav Color) mini-dress and a small black jacket.

"Hurry up Y/N!" I heard Soap call to me.

"I'm hurrying!" I yelled back as I grabbed a purse and made my way from the room. I felt Ghost's eyes one me. 

I looked up to meet his gaze. He was in a black leather jacket, gray t-shirt, and ripped jeans with the addition of his mask of course. One day I will see his face under it, one fucking day.

"Ready." I smoothed out my dress.

"You clean up nicely Y/N." Soap put his arm around me which seemed to win him a glare from Ghost. 

"Let's go then." Kara grabbed Ghost's hand and pulled him along.

-At the Bar-

"He looks unamused." Soap and I sat at the bar while Kara pulled Ghost into a booth with her.

"Very." I sipped at my drink.

"I told him not to fuck the crazies but he never listens." Soap shook his head downing a shot. "She's been after him for ages." 

"He slept with her?" I felt jealousy and anger bubble in me. 

"Mmhm. Now she thinks he likes her or something." Soap ordered two more shots. "Here." He handed one to me.

I downed it without a second thought. "Does he?" 

"Does he what?" 

"Like her?" I hoped the answer was no.

"Oh god no, He has his sights set on someone else." My heart ached at those words.

"Really? Who?" 

Soap shrugged. "Can't say."

"Oh." I turned my attention back to my drink. "I think I'll have another shot."

A few shots in and I found myself drunk.

"Y/N, I think that's enough." Soap ordered me a water, I huffed and just stared at it.

"Nasty." I pushed it away.

"Drink it or I tell Ghost." Soap raised his eyebrow.

"Go ahead, I'm not scared of him! He's a pussy!" I pouted and folded my arms.

"Whose a pussy?" I heard GHost's voice behind me.

"Appeartnly you," Soap answered.

"Noo, I didn't say that." I turned to Ghost, almost falling out of my chair. 

"Danmit Soap, you let her get drunk." Ghost caught me, holding me gently as if I was a wee baby. 

"Hey, she's a big girl." Soap put his hands up.

"Yeah! I'm a big girl!" I pushed Ghost away a little. 

"A big girl, in big trouble." Ghost sighed. "Let's go."

"What about your date?" I looked around for Kara.

"She left. She was sadly disappointed that I didn't want much from her." Ghost put his arm around my waist. 

"Ooo, you playboy!" Soap laughed as Ghost led me outside.


"I got it!" I pushed my way into our room, Ghost following close behind.

"You sure do." Ghost led me to the bed, forcing me to sit down. "Let's get your shoes off." 

I kicked my feet. "I can do it."

"Let me help you please." Ghost grabbed my feet, taking each heel off. He was softer than usual but then again it could seem that way due to being drunk off my ass. "Now let's get you into something more comfortable."

"Excuse me sir but you may not see me naked!" I clutched my chest.

"That's fine. I don't want to." Ghost handed me my clothes, turning his back to me. "You do it yourself."

"Thank you!" I struggled to undress and dress, I fell over trying to put my pants on. I burst into a fit of giggles. 

"Oh, careful." Ghost turned around, seeing me pantless. "Let me help you." Ghost helped me into my sweatpants and back down on the bed.

"You saw my butt!" I continued to giggle.

"Mhm." Ghost rubbed his face over his mask. "I'm going to kill Soap for letting you drink so much."

"It's not his fault. I was mad!" I played with my hands. I didn't want to tell him but I couldn't stop the words from coming out.

"Why were you mad?" Ghost grabbed a water bottle from his minifridge and handed it to me. "Drink."

"You, You fucked that girl but won't fuck me." I pouted.

"What?" Ghost looked shocked at my words.

"Am I not sexy to you? You go for all these other women but made no moves on me." I held the water bottle against my face, the water cooling me down.

"Y/N.." Ghost sighed. "You are you and that's just fine."

"No, it's not! I want you to like me, what can I do to make you like me cause I like you." I felt myself getting upset.

"Hey now." Ghost cupped my face.

"Like me, Please?" I felt silly not being able to control myself, I regretted getting drunk. 

"Why don't you get some sleep?" Ghost pushed me over into the bed.

"No."I pulled him on top of me. "Please.."

"Y/n.. You're drunk." ghost moved off of me,  I sat up and huffed. 


"I'm not going to do or say anything to you when you're like this." Ghost laid me down again. "We'll discuss things when you're sober."

"So you will fuck me, just sober?" 

"No." Ghost shook his head. "I do not want to fuck you period."

"Why?" I pulled him next to me.

"Because." Ghost pulled me into his arms holding me close. "You're too important to me. Now sleep."

"I am?"

"Yes, now go to sleep little bug."

This was the first time he called me something other than mutt and I felt horrible that I wouldn't remember any of this in the morning, maybe that's why he said.

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