In his arms.

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"I can change it myself." I huffed as Ghost tried to get my bandage changed.

"Let me help." Ghost forced me down again.

"Yeah no. I have to be shirtless and I rather not have you looking." I folded my arms over my chest.

"It wouldn't be the first time." Ghost rolled his eyes.

"You're not going to stop are you?" I huffed and pulled my shirt off, exposing my chest and bandages. I quickly covered my chest.

"See, that wasn't so hard." Ghost pulled the first aid kit to him and slowly unraveled the bandage.

His fingertips gently brushing my skin sent shivers through me. I turned my head avoiding letting him see my embarrassment.

"Does that hurt?" Ghost's hand rested on my bare skin, the heat from his hand only added to my embarrassment.

"No. You're fine." I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm my racing heart.

Ghost cleaned to wound a little yelp escaped my lips from the sting.

"I know, but if it's not clean it'll get infected." Ghost finished cleaning and wrapped it back up. "There."

I quickly grabbed my shirt, pulling it on. I could feel Ghost eyes on me the whole time.

"Fucking perv." I couldn't hide the embarrassment on my face.

Ghost just chuckled. "What you gonna do about it?"

My words failed me as I stuttered. "Oh fuck off!"

"As you wish." Ghost stood up to leave.

"Wait!" I didn't want to be alone, being alone always caused panic. I could already feel it creeping up.

"I'm kidding love." Ghost sat back down, placing his hand on my thigh. "I won't leave you."

I nodded, my anxiety subsiding. "Sorry, it's just being alone, it yeah."

"You don't have to explain yourself." Ghost patted my thigh.

The room fell silent as we sat there together. Without warning Ghost pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Ghost, you okay?"

"I almost lost you again.." He held me tighter.

"I'm okay." I stroked his back, comforting him.

Ghost cupped my face with his hand. "Stop trying to die on me."

"I can't make any promises." I nuzzled his hand.

"Then I'll have to just keep you next to me." Ghost brought his face close, I could feel his breath from behind his mask.

"I don't think you could handle that." My fingers fumbled as I pulled his mask over his lips.

Was I really about to kiss him?

"Ghost!" Soap came flying into the room.

Ghost yanked his mask down, turning to Soap. "You better have a good reason for coming in here yelling like that."

"We need to get ready to move, Alisa's men spotted some of Makarov's men headed in our direction." Soap didn't waste time running back out.

"Fuck." Ghost began getting our gear ready.

There was only one reason as to why my brother's men would be out here. They're looking for me, they know I double-crossed them. Fear filled my body and the room began to sway a little.

"Y/n hey stay with me." Ghost gripped my arm. "It's okay, they're not going to get you. I promise."

I nodded, barely hearing his words. I was dead if they got me this time.

"Y/n.. Love... I need you to pull it together." Ghost grabbed our gear and pulled me along. I just let my body be pulled along, I wasn't quite there anymore.

"We need to get moving!" Alisa's voice brought me back. "Y/n get your ass in gear!"

I shook off the fear and took my gear from Ghost.

"You good?" Ghost grabbed my arm, making me face him for a moment.

"I'm great." I couldn't help but still feel scared.

"Let's go." 

And with that, we made our way to Alisa's stronghold.

"Stay as long as you need." She led us to our quarters.

"Thank you." Price threw his gear down on one of the bunks.

"Y/n, come with me." Alisa pulled me to her private quarters. "Girl, are you okay?"

I felt my facade breaking. "Yeah, just tired I guess."

"I know you, I know you're not okay." She pulled out a chair and made me sit. "How's your wound."

I hadn't even realized how bad it hurt until just now. "It's been better." 

"Take it easy okay? There's lots to do here without doing much. So take this opportunity to get back to 100%. You won't be able to stop him unless you are."

She wasn't wrong, I couldn't face my brother in this state. "I will."

"Good." She gave me a hug. "I'm here if you need me."

I nodded and made my way back to our bunks. I was exhausted, everyone else had already claimed their bunks and went off to sleep.

I climbed into a bottom bunk and curled up. I was used to sharing a bed with Ghost as of late but tonight he made no move to come to my bed. 

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