His Confession

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Days passed and deployment was getting closer. The darkness that sat in my heart reared its ugly head every now and then, each time Ghost was there to talk me off the ledge. I felt awful, becoming more of a burden to him but he never seemed to mind.

"Three more days till deployment." Price sighed knowing all hell was going to break loose.

"Don't remind us." Soap groaned. 

"We should go out." Roach stood from the couch. 

"I'm down." Soap stood from his chair. "Simon?" 

Ghost looked at me and I gave him a nod. 

"Yeah, sure."

"I take it Y/n's coming with?" Soap looked between the two of us.

"Of course. " I forced a smile, maybe this will help.

"Alright then, let's get ready to go." Roach went to his room.

-The Club-

I felt awkward standing next to Ghost. He always seemed to attract the female eye. I fixed my dress as a girl stood, flirting with Ghost. At least he seemed uninterested. 

"Y/n come dance!" Next thing I knew Soap was pulling me on the dance floor. 

I felt myself going stiff, not wanting any attention on me.

"Hey there." I felt a hand on my waist. I panicked, turning around quickly. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare you. " Colton stood there.

"Jesus. " I took a deep breath. "You scared me. I didn't know you'd be here."

"Yeah, I heard my favorite lady would be here. " Colton smiled, keeping his hands on my waist.

"You're too much." I couldn't help but laugh, Colton always seemed to have perfect timing.

"You know me." He pulled me against his body. "It's been hard to get a moment with you. Your guard dog has been keeping you to himself."

"Ghost? Yeah, he's been a bit much." I hadn't realized how bad it had gotten with Ghost.

"Even now he's watching like a hawk." Colton gestured to where Ghost stood. He was watching closely.

"What can I say? I seem to have that effect on men. " I joked.

"That you do." Colton and I swayed to the music. 

We danced for a moment, then there was a hand around my waist pulling me away. 

"I'm cutting in."  Ghost pulled me into him.

Colton pouted and grumbled under his breath. "Motherfucker." 

"Something wrong?" I huffed. I can't catch a break with him.

"I need to talk to you." He began pulling me towards the door.

Once outside the club, he turned to me. 

"I want you to stay away from Colton."  Ghost rubbed his hands together. "Actually I want you to stay away from every man that has an eye on you. "

"What?" Where they hell was this coming from?

"You heard me." Ghost stared me down.

"Last time I checked I could be with whoever I want." I folded my arms, a little cold from to cool night air.

"No." Ghost moved closer to me, his hand finding my waist.

"Ghost, what are you doing?" My brain became muddled, not quite understnding whaat he was getting at.

"You're mine, got it?" 

My heart jumped, His? Does he mean? 


"Mine." Ghost's free hand brushed my cheek.

"And what if I refuse?" 

"I don't think you want to do that." Ghost brought his face closer, I could feel his breath through his mask. 

"Maybe I do." I want to desperatly be with him, but it wasn't safe. Not now.


"I'm sorry Ghost." I sighed and pushed him away. I can't put him in harms way.

Ghost stood there for a moment, hurt was clearly in his eyes.

"Alright then." Ghost turned and amade his way back into the club.

My heart broke once more and part of me wanted to disapper into the darkness.  I stared at the Club entrance. I could do it. Disappper. Without a second thought I walked into the darkness. I had no idea where I would go but it was better than putting them at risk. 

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