"Not like other girls" | B.K

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You were in your room talking with your friends Melia and Abby, gossiping about who slept with who through out this month. Melia of course didn't wanna talk about that because she'd rather talk about Emily the most know girl in school, seeing her naked. You and Abby found her disgusting about her having a crush on a girl that makes out with her older brother friend.

You and Abby didn't have a problem with her being a lesbian though you did ask questions what it's like being one. Melia couldn't handle all that asking this and asking there twenty-four seven. So she just let yall be curious instead of opening her mouth. "You are such an ass like your brother" Abby calls you. "I am not Georg! Infact I'm better then that long haired princess" you laughed.

"Im starting to rethink both of you are even related, especially twins" Melia sits up off the floor after laying down. "But in reality I'm smarter then him" you chewed on the gum that was in your mouth. "Yeah, in learning how to be annoying" Melia jokes. "Oh, go kiss a rat you fag" you insulted. "You are so correct! I'm the number ones fattest and huge fag in the history of fags " she cheers. "And I will die proudly knowing that I was a fag" she claps for herself.

"Now look at her? You made her go all rainbow on us" Abby pushed you. "I hope my gayness will effect you like a disease in my toe so you will finally be able to see how colorful it is on this side, Instead of being so black and white" she stares into your soul like she'll corrupt your mind.

"I'm just fine being straight" you hit her with a pillow. "Of course you are you hetero" she hits you back with the pillow. "Guys! Stop!" Abby shouts making you and Mel stop what you were doing. "What?" You both say. "Do you hear that?" Abby looks around your room. "No?" You and Mel shared a confused look at each other. Then Abby hits both of you with a pillow she had hidden behind her back. "Oh my god! She's gone full hetero and homophobic on us" Melia screams. "Ha! Take that you lesbo and none lesbo" she mentions you specifically.

"I need better friends!" you shout feeling her continue hitting you and Melia with the pillow. Then all of a sudden a loud guitar started playing and it scared you making you jump out of the bed and fall on your butt. "What the hell was that?" Abby covered her ears. "My stupid brother and his stupid friends" you got up and walked down stairs in the basement garage to tell them to keep it down.

"We better go before she does something stupid" Melia got up and followed you. Having Abby fall right behind Melia.

Abby noticed your father on the couch watching TV and your mother preparing another snack tray for the boys. Abby heard arguing so her and Melia quickly walked to the scene before anything else happens. "Alright! People chill out" Melia stops you from saying anything else. "You don't need to yell" Tom says. "Shut up, princess" Melia called making everybody laugh. "Go kiss a girl you rainbow" Tom rolls his eyes. "Oh so it's like that now" she smirks. "Why would you say that? Now she's gonna sing all about the colors of the rainbows and why you should join her" Abby covers her ears. "Melia don't!" You tried to stop her.

"Reason one thousand, five hundred and twenty-six on why you should be a fruit bowl" she starts. "Let's just leave" you tried to grab Melia but she was already giving her reasons out. "Boys! Come eat" you hear your mother say. Georg, Gustav and Tom all ran through you to get to the food. "Oh my gosh! Ever say excuse me" you shout. "You were in the way!" Tom said back. You heard both Melia and Abby laughs at his come back and you glared at them to shut up. Then Abby cleared her throat and pointed at something behind you.

You turned around seeing Bill standing awkwardly. "You need something?" You rose a brow. "Um, I was just trying to get through" he pointed in between you and Melia. You felt stupid for even asking why he was standing there. "Why didn't you say anything instead of standing there like a creep" you joked moving out of the way. He didn't reply and just shrugged his shoulders as if that was an answer. "Thanks" he smiles shyly walking past you and you caught a scent of his cologne he must've been wearing.

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