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"Mr. Jeon." Officer Wang called the other Officer, the officer was behind the file racks, maybe in search of something no one knows. "Officer Jeon." The officer called again, this he replied in a deep 'hmm'. "Actually my shift is over, can you please help with a case?" Wang requested.

The Other officer didn't responded nor he moved from his place, instead he put the file back on the rack and took another file not giving any fucks about his colleague and the victim who is frowning hard.

Jimin can sense, the officer Wang embarrassment, as just he opened his mouth-

"What's the case?" The Other officer finally uttered.

"Actually, someone stole the victims bag which helped their identities and money.' Just as Wang uttered they heard a scoff from Jeon.

"So careless, Can't even take care of their own important things." Officer Jeon muttered lowly but it was loud enough for the other party to hear him clearly.

Jimin who was fumming in anger somehow swallowed down his anger and turned to Wang. "It's okay Mr. Wang, I will come tomorrow, Thank you for your help." Jimin said politely, his soft voice reached to Jeon's who froze on the spot hearing the melodious voice, the file in his hands started to shake as his whole body trembled, suddenly he lost his all energy. "Thank you." Jimin bowed as he started to walk.

Jungkook throws the file away and to confirm his doubts he rushed out to see the latter's back. "W-Wait." Jeon's voice wavered and Jimin stopped in his track.

Mr. Wang sighed knowing the other Officer will surely help Jimin so he left the office quickly.

Jimin rolls his eyes, deep down he just wants to punch this rude ass officer but he controlled his urges and turned around with Jungmin.

Jeon's breath hitched as he felt choking up in his own emotions, he stood there like a statue for some minutes, keep staring at the smaller male who is now getting creepy vibes from Jeon as he shifted his foot uncomfortably in the fear of getting caught.

What will they do with him if they didn't found him identity?

"I-I... Hello." Jimin didn't know why he himself became nervous under Jeon's burning gaze upon himself, he bowed nervously.

As for Jungkook who seems like he is going feral by anytime, release a shaky breath. "W-Who are y-you?" The officer stuttered and Jimin felt bad for him thinking that the officer has stuttering problem.

Jimin smiled softly. "I am Jimin and he is My Son Jungmin."

As Jimin pointed beside him at the even smaller figure compared to his own, Jungkook doe eyes widened as he felt his soul left his body when his wide eyes met with a similar pair of his own. While Jungmin is also looking back at the officer in amazement, thinking how muscular and strong the officer is.

"Jimin... Jungmin." The Officer muttered under his breath as he tried to process everything.

He was right, His... His Jimin is alive.

"Are you going to help us?" The officer blink away his tears hearing Jimin's soft voice.

"Where were you?" Officer asked and Jimin looked confused.


Why is Jimin behaving as if they don't know each other? Many questions are roaming around in the officer's head, he controls himself just not to pull both of them in a choking hug, just lock them so he can keep them himself.

"Tell me... I-I mean, tell me everything what happened."

To be Continued.

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