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"He is such an energetic kid." Jin chimes ruffling sleepy Jungmin's hair who is sitting on the breakfast table slowly sipping on his favourite banana milk from the bottle.

In the morning, they were having breakfast, everyone was there on the table, Jin and Namjoon showered all the love on their only son and grandson and want you spoil them as much as they can, Jungmin was enjoying the love and attention. Meanwhile Jungkook is just staring at his blushing mess lover lovingly.

"I hope you were comfortable." Jimin smiled while nodding his head as he blushed hard feeling Jungkook's hand caressing his upper thigh under the table. "I am thinking about renovating the other room for Jungmin." Namjoon suggested making everyone glanced at him. Jungkook stopped eating, his happy expressions vanished from his face, as he gulps looking at his son who seems very happy with his grandparents. Many negative thoughts came in his mind, like; what if Jungmin didn't like him, what if the boy don't accept him or don't want to live with him, Unknowingly his grip on Jimin's thigh tightened.

"No, Dad you don't have to." Jimin said as he shook his head.

"Why not? Whenever you all visit, I want you all to be comfortable here, what do you say Jin?" Jin sighed, he was also thinking that Namjoon might want to keep Jimin and Jungmin, which will not be fair with them, Jimin is still new with all this, even though he didn't remember anything but still trying his best to adjust with his life, and Jin can see the love in Jimin's eyes for Jungkook. It won't be fair to seperate them, to separate Jungmin from his Dad.

"Of course... it will be the best, Jungmin can have fun in his own room, and we already knew Jungkook won't leave Jimin and his son alone, so we shouldn't adjust everytime, right?" Jin said smiling at Jimin who blushed looking down.

Namjoon hummed glancing at Jungkook who sighed in relief.

Jungmin's ears perked up, he looked at the strong Officer man who has been following them around since they stepped in to the city, thinking who is he?

Namjoon and Jin are his grandparents, Taehyung and Hoseok are is uncle's. Then who is this Officer? Is he also his uncle?


"Papa who is Officer Jeon?" Jungmin wishpers in Jimin's ears after looking around in his father's room as they are alone.

Jimin sat frozen on his place as he looked at his son sitting comfortably on his lap and looking at him curiously with those big doe eyes.

Jimin gulps after shrugging the restless feeling inside him as he cupped his son's soft cheeks. "Why do you ask?" Jimin knew he shouldn't ask these stupid questions and tell Jungmin about Jungkook.

Jungmin shrugged his shoulders. "Is he my uncle just like Hobi uncle and Tae uncle?"

Jimin sighed heavily. "H-He is not your uncle, baby." Jimin mumbled, nibbling on his lower lip, he was nervous. "Uh... He is your Appa." Jimin wishpers but the boy heard him clearly.

Jungmin's eye widened as he looked at his father. "Just like JoJo's Appa?" Jungmin asked about Jojo his best friend from the town. Jimin nodded his head biting his lips nervously.

To be Continued.

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