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"Jimin, please stay with us with Jungmin, I missed you a lot. I want to spend more time with you both." Jin pleaded showing his puppy eyes in front of Jimin who looked helpless as he glance at the Officers whose expression fell.

"I-I... I don't know, umm... Jungmin needs to go to kindergarten, and it's kinda far away from this place." Jimin said fiddling with his small finger's. He also don't want to leave his parents house, Jungmin seems to enjoy a lot with his grandpa and he also feel complete, now knowing his identity.

"You don't have to worry about it... Please chim." Jimin's heart melted looking at his pouty father's.

"Uh... Ok." Jimin sighed softly and he muttered. His gaze shifts towards the officer who is now frowning, Jimin leaned to his father's ears. "But... I am not staying without Jungkook." Jimin wishpers in his father's ear who didn't look surprised.

"You will never change." Jin mumbles as he ruffled his son's hair.

Jimin squinted his eyes looking at his father.

"Umm... Since you both got together, you always used to show your puppy eyes so we can let him stay here." His father mumbles, smiling.

Jimin smiled sheepishly as he hugged the taller male.

"Hmm, let me prepare your room okay." Saying that, Jin left behind a very happy Jimin.

The smaller turned towards the officer who looked a bit sad.

"So, you are staying?" The officer gulps, trying to look calm.

Jimin bit his lower lip to stop himself from smiling. "Umm... Do you want me to stay?" He asked, Jungkook's expressions turned surprised.

"As much as I want to take you and Jungmin away with me, I can stop you from staying... They are your parents, They had cried for you a lot, even more than me. I don't want to upset them anymore." Warmth filled in Jimin's heart, the respect and love he has for the officer increased even more.

Wait- did he said Love?

Standing on his tip toes he wrapped his arms around the taller's male neck.

Jungkook's arms around Jimin's waist, they stood in the silence, until the smaller pulled away and wishpers. "Will you stay with me and Jungmin?"

Hearing Jimin, Jungkook sighed heavily. "But your Dad-"

"Just answer me." Jimin asked firmly.

"Of course, I can't miss the opportunity." The officer chuckled as he looked around then, swiftly captured Jimin's lips.

Jimin who was kinda lost hearing jungkook's word's gasped.

Why does this conversation sounds very familiar? As if we have talked like this before... Maybe we did.

"PAPA!" Jimin pushed Jungkook's body away hearing a very excited and happy looking Jungmin running towards them.

The smaller cheeks turned crimson red seeing his Namjoon glaring at the Officer.

"I have arranged your room, but Namjoon wants Jungmin to sleep with him, so you gotta adjust with him." Jin wishpers in Jimin's ear, making the smaller blush even more. "And for your kind information... My room is upstairs... So..." Jin shrugged his shoulders with a wink and when Jimin understood his words he ran outside towards the balcony to take some oxygen.

To be Continued.

Enjoy some fluff before, Angst!

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Enjoy some fluff before, Angst!

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