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"Don't worry, he will be back in his senses soon." The Doctor Said, making Jin sighed in relief but Jungkook remained unfazed, Jungmin's ears perked up as rubbed his teary face on Jungkook's shoulder and looked at the doctor, then tugged on Jungkook's shirt.

"Papa." The small boy mumbled with pouty lips.

Jungkook breathed heavily as he stood up from the bench and walked towards the hospital room.

After locking Mingyu in the store room at Jin's house Jungkook and Jin rushed to the hospital with Jungmin who woke up after Jimin fainted, the boy was crying and it broke Jungkook's heart even more.

"He is okay min." Jungkook said caressing the boy's back who sniffles looking at him with small doe eyes.

"A-Appa." Jungmin cried placing his head on Jungkook's shoulder, hugging him tightly. "Appa... I wanna see Papa." Jungkook's heart skips few beats hearing Jimin's first word. But thinking it was just because maybe Jungmin is sad he shrugged, taking the boy straight to Jimin.


Jimin, who just woke up some minutes ago, just staring at the ceiling, looking lifeless.

His gaze didn't wavered hearing the door opened and someone walked in, sitting beside him, but a sweet small voice bought him back from his lifeless state.

"Papa." Jungmin cried streching his small arms towards Jimin, whose eyes filled up with tears as they fell from his eyes like a waterfall.

"My baby." Jimin quickly pulled the boy to his chest.

Then, he heard sniffling sound from Jungkook.

The smaller male didn't said anything, he streched another arm and pulled the Officer in a hug too.

Jungkook's body shook with loud sobs leaving between his lips, he hid his face in Jimin's neck whose tears fell silently as he hugged his son and lover closer to himself.

"I am sorry, I am really sorry." Jungkook mumbled countless 'sorry's' even though it wasn't his fault.

Jimin remained silent as he let Jungkook let out the emotions he was keeping for years.


"Why don't you tell me when he was bothering you in the past, hmm? Jungkook said squeezing Jimin's body in his arms as he latter squeals.

"I didn't wanted you to think that I am doubting you, because I know you loves only me." Jimin said as he pouted.

"I know baby, but you need to tell me everything and anything which bother you, we promised." Jungkook said sighing heavily.

"I know... but we were just stressed and you proposed me, so I didn't thought about it much." Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"And because you ignored it, look what he did." Jungkook said in a low voice.

Jimin gulps, still feeling scared of those images. "Thankful I got stuck on the tree branches and able to get down, near a river, I think that's how Mrs. Han found me." Jimin explained the taller who hugged him tightly. "Actually... I don't want to talk about it... I remember everything."

Jungkook sighed softly as he hummed.

"Yeah... and Jungmin knows that you are his father." Jungkook eyes widened as he immediately pulled away to look at the latter.

"W-What?" Jungkook stuttered as he bit his lip nervously.

Jimin chuckled. "Hmm, he knows... my boy is intelligent like me, and guess what, when I asked 'do you hate him?' You know what he said... ' do you hate your parents after years?' he understands everything." Jimin said as he mimicked his son while giggling making Jungkook sighed in relief but still nervous.

"Well, what should we do with him?" Jungkook asked, he looked serious, eyes turning darker.

"I don't know." Jimin shrugging feeling bitter. "I don't care." Jimin mumbled hugging the taller male.

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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