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"I-I..." Jimin sniffles as he bites his lower lip to control his cries. "I am sorry officer, I lie." Jimin mumbled as he looked down.

Jungkook stayed in his seat, trying to be patient and not to hug the crying man.

"I don't have an I'd card." Jimin said hesitantly, as the officer nodded.

"It's not a problem Jimin, just... Just give me some of your information I can apply for a new one for you and Jungmin." The officer suggested.

Jimin shook his head, another sob left between his lips as he looked at the Officer with teary eyes. "I can't officer Jeon... I don't have any information, I don't know anything about m-myself." Jimin tried to control his sobs as he doesn't want to disturb Jungmin or Taehyung and Hoseok.

Taking the father by surprise Jungkook took his one hand and squeezed it a little trying to comfort him... Jungkook gulps, he needs to do it. "W-What about Jungmin's f-father?"

Jimin's expressions turned bitter and it didn't go unnoticed by the officer whose heart thumped against his chest. "That Bastard... I don't know anything about him either, I was in an accident before Jungmin and didn't remember anything about my past." Jimin cried silently. "Very pathetic I know." The officer shook his head. "But I want a favour from you... Lend me your gun if I ever come to know about him." Jungkook's eyes widened as Jimin chuckled. "Why are you shocked? It's not like you are his father." Jimin said unconsciously as he laughed, but his eyes widened as he realised what he was saying to the officer who had horrified expressions on. "I am sorry... I don't mean it that way." The father apologized as he looked down.

The sofa beside him dipped, and next second his chin is being lifted up by the officer who looked in his eyes, as if they are telling him some deep secrets which he is unaware of. "I will definitely lend you my gun... You can shoot him in the heart." The officer said in a deep voice and Jimin felt shivers ran down to his spine. It doesn't make him please.

Jimin's lips woobled as he dropped his head on the officer's chest to muffles his loud cries. His body shook because of sobs. Tears fell from Jungkook's eyes as he hugged the smaller. "I don't know... I don't want to kill him, he is my son's father... What if he loves me and trying to find me." Jimin said crying.

Jungkook's heart burst in happiness, he looked at the man crying on his chest. 'I don't deserve you, but I am selfish... I am sorry' Jungkook muttered under his breath hugging the smaller tightly.

While Jimin blinked his tears away, a smile appeared on his face, he snuggles closer to the man's chest sniffing the taller's scent. 'why the fuck he smells so nice.'

To be Continued.

To be Continued

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