Drown Roses

483 9 8

Hurt Comfort 


Nickel had found trust with Balloon, apologising to him, but does that mean that he wants to be friends with him? Balloon took this choice of his and now Nickel has no idea why Balloon wants to be friends with him. 

It doesn't make any sense why. It just feels like he owns him more than just a apology, which is true. But this is starting to make this way more awkward than before. It wasn't his intention to talk to him after that, but Balloon's intentions. 

Sharing the same room was alright, mostly it would be quiet or just a somewhat uncomfortable feeling. Every day and every night was just the same thing in your quiet daily life. Wake up, brush your teeth, go do something before breakfast, eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, brush teeth then just basically sleep after that.

But this night

Was something Nickel didn't expect would happen at all

*'~+ o +~'* 


"Goodnight Nickel!"

Goodnight? But his eyes can see the sky.

Nickel's eyes were open wide, as he sat up. Only to see grey grass and a light greyish sky.

Where is he?

Getting up, he wanders forward into the lifeless void with a grassy path to follow. He wonders, he ponders, if he should continue walking. But where would he go if he didnt want to continue this path?

Where will it lead him?

And with that, he cools it off to walk away, away from the start of where he first woke up.

The soundless windy air flew as each step he takes is what makes the noise of grass being stepped on. His mind let him think about his choices and his relationship. Especially the one that has a salmon red colour for his rubber body.

When did it goes so wrong between Nickel and Balloon?

Perhaps, its what Nickel chose to let it lead him into becoming rude and cruel to him.

'God..and yet you forgive me?'

But then his eyes surprises himself to see a lake. A lake thats darker than the sky but lighter than the grass. With red roses flowing on top of the river. But some of them could be seen under water as well..

As well something was inside of there

Whats that?

Nickel came closer and closer to the lake. For a better look of course. But..

He saw Balloon inside of there, seemingly drowning downward. The black visibility bags under his close eyes, his mouth open silently. His hand was at the top to the light—under water.

Fear, concern, worry came into his brain as Nickel started to breathe heavily.

'Balloon?! Balloon!' Nickel seems to yell at him. But no action nor answer were made to begin with. Looking everywhere, he knew what he had to do.

He jumps into the lake, with breathe as oxygen inside of his empty mouth that was sealing away the water from coming, closing his eyes as he feels the water's pressure on him as the water slashes. Padding his legs, he reaches further down.

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