Why am i being harassed by 2 Nickels

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What if the yin Nickel knew what Box was trying to do? Running away from his fate and meeting with another one. 

Leaving Test Tube and Trophy with the yang. As well with Box too.

And yes, im using the right way of yin & yang names for the Nickels. Only the Nickels

Yin = dark

Yang = white

This obviously have nickloon plot—


To Test Tube's genius calculations, she thought that this would end it. But somehow, it didnt? She was shock, Trophy too!

Why is she shock? Well, due to Nickel's stubbornness, it would be in yin Nickel's genes too, but he just gave up after trying to talk to Box, running away into the hotel!

Oh god, the yin Nickel is gonna blow the hotel with his sarcastic boom blast! Test tube has to hurry! With her new and goldy knight who will help her because he got into this mess and has no escape from her hands! The two duo shall get the little gremlin.

But of course, the yin and yang wouldn't be complete with connection. Taking the yang on their journey to the hotel.


Running off to find more victims inside, the yin Nickel didn't expect this many people at this hotel. Being just an commoner to this building, nobody didnt really care to talk to him, knowing who he is. Even though this little nickel has an evil grin on his face

Walking carelessly, trying to find the perfect victim, an unexpected yell came from the front doors. Everybody looked at them, but the yin Nickel already knew who they were after hearing it so much. 

"GET BACK HERE YOU GOFZ-FUR!" Test tube yelled. She holds the yang on her hands. All of the people's faces were confused as hell. They saw Nickel, but theres Nickel here! Oh god, this cant be another nickel from another show! Or a coin!

Facing them, he grins much wider.

"Oh yeah? Get me then! Like thats ever going to happen!"  He said with much an sarcastic response.

"Ugh..he's right, we'll never get him—"

"Shut it! No giving up!"

Now with the duo coming closer to him, he looks around to run away again. Only seeing the stairs of heaven. With his choice, he ran away. Much faster than Test Tube and Trophy ever thought. 

"Have you run this fast before Nickel??" Test Tube said as she held yang Nickel out like some doll. 


He was soo out of breathe when he made it to the 4th level within the 11 seconds he made it on. Surely they have to check every room before they go to the next floor, right?

There was many doors from each side. But one door has been opened. 

Coming out of it was the red, rubbery Balloon. Who was about to lock his room's door until he saw Nickel. Who was just standing there...

And you see, Nickel and Balloon has been friend-ish a few months ago, yet within the months. Nickel has been going, soft, on him.

Some people noticed this, but that was only the smart ones. Like Knife.

"Oh hey Nickel!" Balloon calmly smiles and waves at him.

But no response came. Giving Balloon a worried face.

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