Tough Trust

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He woke his eyes out, he turn to face the window next to him to see its evening.

"ugh, finally you're awake!" The grey nickel yells roughly. He had his phone out as he was sitting up on his bed. Balloon slowly turns to nickel, just watching him ranting and nagging stuff. Nickel obviously doesnt trust balloon, right after 10 days when they both got eliminated.

But during those 10 days, Balloon hasn't gotten any motivation at all, all he does now is lay on bed, not interacting with others since he damn well knows that they will avoid him at all cost.

But..if he hasn't been going out, then has he eaten food or at least drink water? No, but someone has been giving him the needs.

Nickel is the one that has been giving balloon food and water, but why? Nickel didnt want the, so called "pity" inside of him if balloon died of starvation. Nickel thought about it after he noticed that balloon hasn't been eating for 4 days.

But nickel had enough of being balloon's slave. If he has gotten noticed of why balloon is the reason why he is still living, he would DIE out of embarrassment!

So now, once he has stopped talking about how balloon is being so damn stupid for not being able to eat and would sleep late, he HAS to FORCIBLY push him to physically get it by himself.

"So can you stop being so lazy, and actually just get it by yourself?!" Nickel continues to yell at balloon. Balloon looks away with tiredness with him, deep down just..sad. He looks at the orangey, purpleish sky from the window. Nickel pause his sentence to look at balloon, god he looks so dusky and dirty. Makes sense since he hasnt showed when he first got here.

A bit of pity just..came inside of nickel's view. It reminds him of his early days.

He sighed, knowing what he has to do next. "okay've left me NO choice, but to push you out of the room!" He warns him. Balloon takes notice of this, 'what does he mean by..pushing me off? Oh yeah, he doesnt want me-'

"to make you to actually grab some food and eat!"

This surprises balloon in a sudden way. He sits up to turn back to him, just to make sure its not some really weird dreams of his. And to confirm his thoughts, nickel was deadass serious when they both stare at each other.

Nickel hops off his bed and made his way to their door. He looks back at balloon and stares at him, still waiting for him as he was tapping his foot on the ground. "im waiting!" He said.

This was really confusing for balloon, why is nickel acting like this? To get kicked out of their room, since, of course NOBODY likes him.

But this feeling made Balloon feel..a little bit energetic?

Balloon then slowly grabs the blanket to uncover his remaining body parts. Slowly getting out of bed. He made his way to the front door. Stepping on the cozy floor

But when he looked at the door, he was hesitant to open the door at first but he looked at Nickel. Nickel looked at Balloon with a rudely stare but yet at the same time..with hope for Balloon.

Balloon smiles before opening the door.

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