Just One Poem For Valentine Day...

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Hey guys!! I am so right on time for valentine day!! This is so not posted on the 26th of February...hahaha....trust me guys it posted on the 14th!!Nickel has arms—I HOPE IT BREAKS ONE DAY!!Anyways enjoy!!


Since it was Valentine Day, Balloon decided to write a poem for his friend, Nickel! Thing is, Balloon is very burned up from yesterday and today. AND TODAY IS VALENTINES DAY! 

He doesn't have a single clue on where to start at all from his blurry mind. There was a lot of pink scapes of papers in the recycling bin (Nickel brought it) and crumbs of food on the plate was beside Balloon on the table. Balloon took a moment to calm down as he tried to get another piece of pink paper, only to see that there's only one more. Closing his eyes for a rest as he leans backward on his chair.

Balloon missed all of the activity outside of the hotel. And it's about to be night time, sooner to dinner. All he spent all hours onto one letter..for one object.

 And for what?

 As he let his mind wander to think, he later on took a nap unexpectedly, but a deserved one..

"Oh Balloon!" A rusty voice called out as the door is unlocked by him. When entering, he saw Balloon sleeping on the chair. 

"I got you...a teddy bear?" What has Balloon focused onto now? Nickel drop the teddy bear next to that polar bear from that carnival day to prepare himself to do stuff that might cause him to carry Balloon.

Nickel walks up to the table to see a plate. But one thing that took interest out of him was the recycling bin looking a bit too full.

 He sat down to start searching inside of it. And it's full of papers. Curious, he takes one paper, unfolds it to make it whole, and began to read

"We couldn't see the worth outside of you. We didn't know any good from you. But that was just the back, the tail, the past. But when we talked, I saw the side of you. The truth, the head, the worth"

But all of that was crossed, it ended too quick, yet it made Nickel understand this letter. It puts a smile on his face as he looks at Balloon. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Balloon, thank you" he chuckles to himself. 

Watching the sleeping red salmon snore softly. Eventually, Nickel then carries Balloon softly and quietly, making sure he won't wake up from his sleep and puts him on his bed.

Nickel puts the blanket over him. After that, he watches Balloon, he started thinking of how much he didn't deserve Balloon as his best friend. 

Yet he's so grateful to have him in his life. He can't believe how BLIND he was back on season 2...

That shouldn't matter as of right now..Nickel leans onto Balloon's bed, he puts his hand on Balloon's hand, that soon forms into holding his hands. 

Nickel's thumb was the one touching Balloon's palm, and he lets his thumb to start rubbing his palm softly. Nickel didn't believe in luck, but he sure really is the luckiest nickel to have met Balloon out of all objects.Just then, he saw a change from Balloon...the sight of him made him smile.

Balloon smiles too as he felt Nickel's warmth on his hand.

This made Nickel feel even more happy. Nickel then look at the timer that was on Balloon's bedside table. It was almost dinner. 

OJ has baked strawberry cheesecake with the help from Paper (mostly it was Paper who baked the cake) to feed everybody when it was desert time! 

Nickel has heard rumors that the cake is the best thing of the whole world. And so, everybody just couldn't wait to get a taste of that strawberry cheesecake. 

But Nickel would rather spend his time with Balloon than to be with a bunch of annoying loud objects just to eat some cake. Even if it meant the silent can also join them too from this night full of stars and love.


Ty for reading!! Just to remind everyone and everyone that didn't read that sigma cool male only part. I am not going to be focusing on this as I am focusing on other stories to write now. BUT I AM able to add one shots to this one any day if I have the time to write on.Happy Valentine's month!!

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