The Beach Party's Background

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Object heads; objects that has a human body but as their object as heads

Nickel has...arms 😟

This book was dying ✨


The great sun shines on top of trees, grass and beings. It was a great day to host a beach party! After Mephone4 gotten the approval from BallPoint Pen, it would be a good time to celebrate it! 

He ordered the Pic-Nix to be moved by Paintbrush and Silver Spoon near the coolest spot to look at. The open clear ocean that has rocks coming out of them. The sand was orangey-yellowey and the light bluest sky. The scene was amazing to look at. Almost as if it was fiction.

"Alright, call in the others now!" Mephone4 called. Paintbrush looked hyped as they rush around—putting their hands around their mouth as they yell the others to come here. Silver Spoon was exhausted and sighed dramatically, sitting down on the sand as it makes a crunchy sound from it. 

As Nickel, Balloon came to the scenery with the others. They were just a-woah-ed at it. They looked at each other with a cheeky smile on their faces. This was going to be the best day ever!  They both thought.

~ 5:57 PM ~

The soft sound that the wave makes was soothing. The sky was now a purpleish pink with some orange on it. The setting sun was halved by the far away ocean. And the noise was coming from the island. 

Coming from the island, we can see that many objects were in the shallow ocean, but some on land. But if you look away from the objects on land and look through the background; you'll see

Two objects were sitting on those yellow relaxing beach seats with white outline with a white umbrella over them. And between them, with a white plastic table in front of the umbrella. The red one was wearing just a plain white tank top with a blue jacket with baby blue shorts. As for the grey one, he was wearing a black shirt with green jacket with short sleeves that covers the shorter black sleeves. With dark green shorts—since, Nickel's favourite colour is green. 

They were talking—sometimes laughing like kids. They were having fun. But its not fun without drinks! Nickel has gotten beers that are already opened by Candle's command since he was banned from the Pic-Nix table. 

When he came back, he handed one beer towards Balloon. 

"Ah—i-i dont drink, but thanks for the offer" Balloon said, looking away shyly. "Ah,—" He said it roughly "—more for me then!" He said it with a smirk as he sat down, putting the one that Balloon said no to on the table. He started to chug it and let out a burp. Balloon quietly giggled at it. He puts his elbow on the handle of the seat as he put his hand on his cheek. 

Looking at the sky, it felt like reality and time was just..stopped for a minute. But that was interrupted by a hand landed on his upper arm. His eyes followed the hand that was to a arm, to a shoulder, to Nickel. "Hey BAl—loon! You gotta try it..!" Nickel's goofy smile made Balloon looked at. It was somewhat cute.

"Oh but erm—you know that i said that  i dont drink beer or anything like that" Balloon smiles surely. 

"Awe—but Balos! Whats the fun without getting the fun?" Nickel whines as he moved his upper body around with his lazy arms slightly following them. It was surprising for Balloon to see Nickel like this, this could mean.. "Oh, wow! You're drunk already?!" 

"Drunk..? Nah! Im-e..nuh-uh" Nickel lazily said. "But come on..! At least onnnnee sip?

That smile again. 'I guess one sip wouldn't hurt..i hope'

"Okay, okay..i'll take one sip!" Balloon finally gave in just because of that smile. He took the beer bottle that was meant for him and drank it.

' wait a minute..this is water!'

He stops drinking it to look at it. It was definitely a beer bottle, so how come—

Nickel then grab it off him to..lick the top part of the bottle, looking smugly at Balloon. Balloon didn't get it the first time but once he realised it..NICKEL WAS SOMEWHAT KISSING HIM—JUST NOT ON THE MOUTH 

Balloon raises his hand to cover his mouth in shock. He felt hot on his cheeks when his thumb and some fingers touched it. His shoulders lifted up as his upper arms slowly connected to his ribs. Knees touching as he just looked at him.

Nickel bursts out of laughter by the scene he created. He enjoyed it. But it was surprising when he looked at Balloon. His cheeks rose up from the covered. 

What was behind his hand?

...a smile~


Im too lazy to look at mistakes that i anve done. Do it for me 

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