Always There, Always Here

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Requested by :Strangerbesti !!!

Though I changed it a bit, sorry

When the dark clouds covers the ending daylight to become night. One little shining coin was awaiting for the others to fall asleep.

For he is to be patient for some snacks. To eat while he plays endlessly. 

But of course, things wont go along with your ways, Nickel


A creak was made by the door, opening by Nickel at around 12:25AM. A game night wouldn't be fun without food, he thought.

Tip toeing on the floors, all the way to the main floor, the lobby

Each step takes him to a different room. Where he makes his way to the kitchen.

He opens the cabinet to see if some of the snacks could catch his eyes. But nothing he wanted was inside there. He wanted something..sweet

He closes the cabinet door. And looks at the top shelf. he seeks the cookie jar.

He looks over the counter. It should be good to climb on it, Nickel thought. It should lead me to what i want!

And with a climb to the counter, it was hard, but its well worth it. With his two legs standing on the counter. He's so close to what he wants!

He lifts his leg onto the handle of the top shelf. Almost opening, til—


A voice echoed out. Freaking the heck out of Nickel, which make him almost fall down. He sighs with relief—or so he thought—

"Nic—" the voice came into the same room Nickel is. Absolutely shock to see his roommate there—"Nickel??!"

And that immediately made Nickel fell down by hearing his voice. "GAH!"

*insert metal pipe falling down* 

Nickel came down CRASHING everything with a crack alongside too. Ending up with an upside down Nickel, with one of his leg looking..broken, and the top shelf's door left open. Leaning on the oven

He groans at the pain that is in his leg. Ow

 But when Nickel slowly opens his eyes, he saw his favorite face to look at. Balloon's  face

His eyes were widen with worry and with his tone of concern as he looks over Nickel's injured leg. With Nickel being silent as he too looks over his hanging broken leg and god, with the window's moonlight on him, it was really easy see that it looked bad. Super bad, making Nickel cringed at it.

"oh god Nickel! What were you doing?!" Balloon ask worriedly. Starting to tense up a bit. "god, you're so dumb" Balloon quietly said to himself. But this ticked Nickel off cause he heard what this stupid salmon fish said. 

"Hey! I wouldn't be hurt if you didnt scare me like that!" Nickel yelled implausibly. Making another voice come in. As the two goofys lock eyes with the CEO of the hotel, the ceo was NOT happy to see this scene at all.

"Care?—to explain?" OJ crosses his arm. Balloon then began a nervously laugh. Quickly flipping the coin to sit on the floor. OJ groans tiredly with a low anger growl. OJ's getting impatient.

This tenses up Balloon more. And Nickel noticed it.

"Yeah, so, I definitely  just rollover from my room, fall down and roll like a bowling ball into the kitchen...yeah"

There was silence after that. And OJ is definitely IS not dealing with Nickel's dirty trash bin full of unnecessary jokes. Its filthy. OJ sighs. 

"Just stay there.."—OJ sounded very exhausted—" I'll get Test Tube and Soap.." And just like that, its only them in the kitchen alone now that OJ is away.

Balloon immediately checks on Nickel calmly. Watching Nickel's eyes growing more weak and the pain is aching in his leg. He starts to breath a bit more quickly.

"A-are you okay??" Balloon asked. Looking down to the poor cent. Nickel moves his focus towards Balloon, who seems a bit more scared. 

" Not really but, i think i can deal with it"

Balloon then hugs Nickel. Surprising but nice

"i-i know this wasn't much for you but...thanks for backing me up there. OJ can be really scary" Balloon quietly said. Balloon's fear is making OJ annoyed, angry or any of those negative feelings. "Yeah, i always got you, Balloon" Nickel said with a chill smile for Balloon. Balloon calmly smiled back slowly

"and i, too, am always with you"



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