Chapter 2 ~ the medical ~

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Paitoon had received word that he had to present at the military training camp at 0700 hours on Monday morning. He had spent the weekend trying to finish up as much work as he could before packing a small bag with a few changes of clothes but most importantly his hair and skin care products.

He had to keep up his regimen or he would be in trouble with the cosmetics company, of course their products could cover up blemishes but only to a point and he wouldn't need many civilian clothes anyway, he would be provided with a uniform.

Monday morning arrived quickly and he was up as usual at 4.30am, he was used to getting up early to travel to filming locations or modelling shoots so this morning was quite relaxing. He climbed out of bed and enjoyed a hot bath before applying his skin care then he dressed in black jeans and a white tee shirt.

His agent arrived at 6am to take him to the boot camp and he jumped into the van glad that it was too early for any paparazzi or fans to be around. They drove to the camp in silence and when they arrived his agent was suddenly tongue tied.

"I'm going to miss you Paitoon, we've been together nearly every day since you were 16" he said looking sad.

"it's only for a couple of weeks until my next modelling gig and we can still message each other" Paitoon said but he understood, his agent was the closest thing to family that he had.

"well boy, keep your chin up and call me if there's a problem" he said patting Paitoon on his back.

"come here" Paitoon said grabbing his agent and pulling him in for a bro hug.

"see you soon boy, be good" his agent said climbing back in the van.

Paitoon watched as the automatic sliding door closed and he could no longer see his agent through the tinted windows, suddenly he felt so alone.

Chit had just arrived at the entrance to the training camp and he watched as one of the new cadets Pinamakhorn hugged the guy who was supposed to be his agent, was he crying? He didn't have much luggage for a so called celebrity, just a bulging holdall.

He watched him as the van pulled away from the gates and the cadet watched as it disappeared down the road, for some reason Chit felt irritated.

"are you done waving goodbye to your boyfriend Cadet?" Chit said as he approached.

"he's not m ..." Paitoon replied.

 "are you giving me attitude?" Chit snapped back.

 " no Officer" Paitoon said.

"you should salute a superior but I'll let it slide this time" Chit said, 

"yes Officer, I'll remember" Paitoon said.

 "you're in hut number 11, make your way over there then get over to medical" 

 "yes Officer" Paitoon set off walking towards the huts, it took him a while but he eventually found his hut.

Walking inside he looked around, there were four bunks, two on each side of the room and each had it's own bedside table and there were four closets, one for each bunk. At the far end of the room was a large table with four chairs. Opposite the table was a kitchenette with a small sink, a mini fridge, a water cooler and an electric kettle and beyond that was a bathroom.

It was actually not that bad Paitoon thought, it was better than the dorm's in the orphanage. One of the bunks had a bag on it so he assumed that one had been taken but the other three were up for grabs so he chose one, dumped his bag on the bed and made his way over to the medical hut as ordered.

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