Chapter 19 ~ the barbecue ~

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It was late afternoon when the house began to stir with activity, Kan had woken up first and had to shower and change quickly to go and help his mum. Kiri would join him later so that he could escort Paitoon and Chit. Kan gave his husband a kiss before writing a short note telling him not to be late then he set off up the back lane to his mum's Bed & Breakfast.

Kiri heard the door close and jumped out of bed quickly but he was too late. Not to worry, he would see him soon, they were never apart for too long. He took a quick shower and changed before going to his guest's room to lightly tap on the door. There was no sound coming from within so he tried again.

"come in" a shaky voice called out.

"sorry to bother you guy's but you have about an hour to wash up and change before we go to the barbecue" Kiri said.

"thanks man" Chit said, it was obvious he had just woke up.

Kiri excused himself and Chit shook Paitoon gently,

"it's time to wake up baby" he said.

"P' ... what?" Paitoon replied.

"we have to get up baby and get ready for the barbecue"

"ok" he said laying his head back down to sleep some more.

Chit smiled and shook his head before climbing off the bed to go and shower then he dressed in jeans and a forest green sweatshirt. When he walked back into the bedroom, Paitoon was still asleep and he looked so frickin' cute. He walked over to the bed and even though he was loath to do so, he shook Paitoon again to wake him.

"come on baby, no going back to sleep now, you have to take a shower and change" Chit said and still his sleepy bunny would not budge.

I'm sorry babe but you're leaving me no choice he thought before he shouted,

"stand by your bunk cadet, now!"

Paitoon jumped off the bed and saluted before he could even focus properly then when he realized where they were he looked at Chit crossly before pouting,

"why did you do that P', I was having a lovely dream" he said.

"was I in it?" Chit asked.

"no, damn you" Paitoon snapped.

"then I'm glad I woke you up, come on shower and change, we need to be leaving soon" Chit ordered him.

"crikey, you're so mean" he said.

"awwww I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you" Chit said ruffling his hair.

Paitoon showered and changed into black jeans and a fuschia colored tee shirt and a black overshirt then when he came out of the bathroom they both went downstairs to meet Kiri who was cooling his heels in the kitchen.

"hey guy's, I thought you'd gone back to sleep again?"

"I didn't, this one did" Chit said nodding towards Paitoon who stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.

"come on then or I'll be in trouble from my man" Kiri said as he led the way to his in laws property.

They strolled up a narrow country lane and soon they approached a rustic looking stile that they had to climb over,

Once over, they continued down a grassy path before they turned to go through a gate which was the back entrance to Kan's mum's B&B then they walked past several cottages to their left before finding themselves in a large garden area where Kan's mum and an older man were setting up tables.

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