Chapter 10 ~ finally ~

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The shoot ended reasonably early and after saying goodbye to the crew and P'Sachat, Paitoon was able to shower in one of the bases bathrooms while Chit waited for him outside. It was still light  when they drove away from the air force base so they drove around at leisure looking for somewhere to have dinner.

P' Chit took hold of Paitoon's hand as he drove  and lifting it to his lips he kissed his fingers making Paitoon blush profusely.

"you looked amazing today while you worked though I have to admit to feeling a little jealous" he added.

"thank you but you know, it's just work, Lawan the model you saw today is married with a young baby, I went to the wedding" Paitoon smiled.

"really, wow I would never have thought" P'Chit replied.

"she started out as a top model travelling all over the world and working crazy hours then after her met her husband she decided to just do magazine and catalogue shoots, she's a really nice lady" Paitoon said.

"still, I couldn't help feel envious when you were standing so close and touching each other, wait what about over there, that looks like a lovely place to have dinner" P'Chit said as they spotted a quaint little restaurant on the waterfront.

"it looks lovely, very inviting, let's eat there" Paitoon agreed and P'Chit pulled into the car park.

When they walked in they ask for a table for two and the girl showed them to a table overlooking the river, it was so pretty and the sun was just beginning to go down. They ordered a variety of dishes and for drinks they chose fruit cocktails.

P'Chit raised his glass to toast to their first date and as their glasses clinked he noticed that Paitoon didn't look very happy.

"are you ok baby?"

"just tired I guess, it's been a long day for me" he replied.

"I'm sorry, I should have realized but I was so anxious to be with you, let's just eat and go back na" he said feeling selfish.

"it's ok P'Chit, I'll probably feel better when I've eaten and rested properly, it's not been a bad shoot, sometimes they go on all night" Paitoon said.

"I can see with your national service and commitments, you're not getting any free time at all are you?" P'Chit said getting a little concerned.

"I have to admit I could have done without it but at my age I couldn't get out of it this time" he said.

"but you're enjoying it right?, you're learning a lot" P'Chit asked.

"without a doubt, yes" Paitoon admitted

The pair tucked into their meal while enjoying the view and listening to the water lapping against the supports of the balcony. There was soft music in the background but not too loud that it interfered with the sounds of nature all around them.

It was a lovely relaxing atmosphere after what had been a hectic day and Paitoon was grateful that P'Chit had come to see him at the base and that they had been able to spend some much needed time together.

After eating and refreshing himself, he began to feel human again, it must have been a bit boring for P'Chit but he didn't complain. They had managed to have lunch together such as it was, basically a small corner in the air force base canteen had been cordoned off for them, it might have been exciting for the Lawan and the crew but for P'Chit and Paitoon it was business as usual.

As the sun set, the waitress came and lit a small candle on the table, it gave off a romantic glow and altered the atmosphere. They lingered over coffee and desert and when it was time to leave they promised her they would come back and sent thanks to the cook for their lovely dinner.

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